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"I have not much to say, and I wish you to hear it." They were all standing. Gregorio steadied himself by the head of the couch, and was as erect as ever. "I will tell you something which you do not know," said Veronica, fixing her eyes on him. "Before Bosio died he told the whole truth to Don Teodoro Maresca, his friend. And the day after his death, Don Teodoro came and told it all to me."

She was not a brigantine, however, but a larger vessel, and she was bark-rigged; and she was ultimately lost in port, during a hurricane. "We have learned something to-day," observed Ercole, when the man had finished speaking. "It is true," the man said. "And the name of the captain was Don Antonino Maresca. He was of Vico."

"And the master was Antonino Maresca of Vico," said Padre Francesco. "But the truth is that it is none of our business," said Ercole. "The captain was mistaken," said Padre Francesco. "He saw trees moving in the wind," said Ercole. Then they looked at each other and nodded.

Under the May moon a little brigantine came sailing up to a low island just within sight of Italy; when she was within half a mile of the reefs Don Antonino Maresca put her about, for he was a prudent man, and he knew that there are just a few more rocks in the sea than are in the charts. It was a quiet night, and he was beating up against a gentle northerly breeze.

"He says he is the Reverend Teodoro Maresca, curate of your Excellency's church in Muro, and begs you earnestly to receive him." Veronica rose again. She knew Don Teodoro by name, for Bosio had often spoken of him to her, as his former tutor and his friend. It was for Bosio's sake that he had come that was clear.

After passing this bridge, we entered Mingrelia, where we followed our wonted custom of sleeping under the canopy of heaven, though we had many worse inconveniencies and dangers to encounter: for, on the 25th of July, having passed over a river by means of rafts, we were conducted to the dwelling of a certain lady, named Maresca, sister of the deceased prince Badian, who received us at first with much civility, and treated us with bread and wine, after which we were conducted into a field belonging to her, which was close shut on all sides.