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That would draw crowds, you know; and then every feller almost that we got in here would take a drink." "We can't get him, Sandy. He's secured over at the . But, any how, the people are getting up to that kind of humbuggery; and I'm afraid, that, like the Indian's gun, it would cost in the end more than it came to." "Couldn't we get a maremaid?" "A mermaid?" "Yes, a maremaid.

"If the one be a maremaid," whispered Ben to his companion, "the other must be a mareman. Shiver my timbers, if it ain't a curious confab! Moonrakers and skyscrapers! what can it mean?" "I don't know," mechanically answered the boy. "Anyhow," continued the sailor, apparently relieved by the reflection, "It ain't the big raft.

They were of Bourdeaux, from whence they came with the Pomechatraine, which was taken by the Maremaid off Petit Guavers, after an obstinate Resistance, in which they lost forty Men; but they were of Opinion the Maremaid could not have taken 'em, having but four Guns less than she had, which was made amends for, by their having about thirty Hands.

No one would be mean enough, after seeing a real maremaid for nothing, to go away without shelling out a fip for a glass of liquor." "Nonsense, Sandy! Where are we to get a mermaid?" "Where did they get that one from?" "That was brought from Japan; and was a monkey's head and body sewed on to a fish's tail, so they say;" "Well, can't we send to Japan as well as any one?

On the contrary, had not the Guernsey come up, they thought of boarding and carrying the Maremaid. These Men very willingly came into Captain Misson's Measures.

"But, why need we wait two years for a maremaid?" "Did you ever study geography, Sandy?" "Jografy?" "Yes." "What's that?" "Why, the maps, at school." "I warn't never to school." "Then you don't know how far Japan is from here?" "Not exactly. But 'spose it's some twenty or thirty miles." "Twenty or thirty miles! It's t'other side of the world!" "O, dear! Then we can't get a maremaid, after all.