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Conneau's success was due largely to his ability to keep to the course on two or three occasions Vedrines lost his way and doubtless his naval training in map-reading and observation gave him the advantage over his rival. The third historic flight was made by Mr. Harry Hawker, in August, 1913.

"Send a reliable officer out. I want an accurate report. Whom can you suggest?" Captain Manners pondered. "There's Mr. Spofforth, sir " "Too jolly lanky for the job," objected the colonel. "Mr. Danvers " "Took lowest marks at map-reading," continued the critical C.O. "A smart officer in every other respect." "Mr. Laxdale " "Lacks caution," declared Colonel Quarrier. "No pun intended.

It is wise to practise this on clear days in order to get accustomed to running by map, compass and aneroid. As the weather also affects the aneroid, it should be constantly reset at known levels. All this may sound very confusing, and most beginners will probably prefer to take a Guide who knows his country well rather than trust to elementary map-reading knowledge in unknown country.

He had been in the trenches for months and was on his way to somewhere for a course of instruction in bombing, or the use of trench mortars, or map-reading. In those days, early in 1916, the plan was to instruct young officers in the arts of war after they had practised them, successfully, for some time. Things are much better organised now.

For the next hour, while the troop worked at signaling, and map-reading, and advanced knot-tying, he did his part and forgot to be despondent. He even brightened when the logs were brought in and the theory of bridge building was applied. But when the bridge was done this time it held he lost interest. "The Wolf patrol " he heard Mr. Wall say. He roused himself and listened.