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Like a wild forest thing, at the first warning sound, she considered: Was it time for flight?—or was the warning but the crackling of a twig? Major Atkins was a cattle-man: her brother hated all cattle-men. How disinterested had been the major’s warning! He had always been her friend. Mrs. Atkins had been one of the ladies at the post who had helped to send her to school to the nuns at Santa .

I’ll ask for you as a platoon commander when they assign me to cleaning up the goopies on Ganymede." This was the major’s idea of the worst Planeteer job in the Solar System. The group shook hands all around; then the young officers broke for the door on the run. The Terra rocket was blasting off in five minutes, and they were due to be on it.

Major, if that was General Morgan, as you say, and I have been one of Morgan’s men, as I have confessed, ought I not to be hanged if I had betrayed him into your hands?” The fire of anger died out of the major’s eyes. He hesitated, and then said: “You are right.

And he knew that the major’s specialty was the Planeteer science of exploration. Barris’s specialty required him to be an expert in biology, zoology, anthropology, navigation and astrogation, and in land fighting. Not to mention a half dozen other lesser things. Only ten Planeteers rated expert in exploration and all were captains or majors. "Where are you going?" Rip asked.

Atkins happening again on the Rodney family, and her husband having increased and multiplied his army pay many times over by a successful venture in cattle, the scheme of Judith’s convent education was put through by the major’s wife, who had kept her New England conscience, the discomforts of frontier posts notwithstanding.

So the Major, full and merry, lolled in his chair, took out his pipe, lighted it with a bank note, and, wiping the breakfast from his lips with the end of a napkin, turned his laughing eyes on the women, and said:— “Fair ladies, I like you as dessert! By my major’s epaulets, when a man has eaten breakfast, the best relish after the stewed beef is chatting with such fair ladies as you fair ladies!

If that was General Morgan, and you are one of his men, you should be hanged for betraying him, not for saving him.” Then to his men he said: “Boys, take off that halter; he is too brave and true a man to be hanged.” Calhoun drew a long breath. He had appealed to the major’s sense of honor, and the appeal had not been made in vain.