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Morgan and his wife were talking as they drove towards home at sunset of a late March day. "Hanged if Ah know how the fellow gets on," said the Doctor. "It was fall when he came here, and that farm he bought from Ben Frady hadn't any crop on it but a mahty little corn. He did his winter ploughing and killed the pig he took with the place, but how he's pulling through Ah don't know."

Ah couldn' understan' a word of hit; Ah reckon hit's his foreign words or somethin', but Ah never heard anythin' like hit befo'. 'N then he ast me again, mahty quiet like, wouldn' Ah take this letter to you-all fo' him, 'n Ah jus' natchelly thought Ah would!" The boy grinned sheepishly. The Doctor nodded and ran his finger under the flap of the envelope. "So you think he's sick." "M'lissy does.

Say," he was wagging his head solemnly to and fro, disgustingly near von Rittenheim's face, "Ah reckon you'd like to go into business with me now ye made a start at hit." Bob remained behind his shield, hoping that Pressley would go away before von Rittenheim had the mortification of seeing him. "Ah reckon you-all need money mahty bad," drawled the drunken voice.

His inner light showed him no reason for making such an effort. "Ah s'pose Ah hadn' oughter do hit," he admitted, "but hit's mahty temptin'. Now that there's the first money Ah seen from hit yet. Hit's all been hard work up to now, an' nothin' comin' in." He lifted the jug and looked longingly at the coin on the ground. "You don' know what hit is to wan' hit so bad, Mr. Baron." "Do I not know?

His air and walk indicated no weakening of spirit. He entered the hall, where an early lamp was aglow, and encountered "Wash" Sims, an old negro factotum, who was just coming up from the basement, carrying a bucket of coal for one of the fireplaces. "Mahty cold out, dis evenin', Mistah Coppahwood," said Wash, to whom anything less than sixty degrees was very cold.

There was space upon the floor for only two sets, and the lookers-on gossiped patiently, until such time as Alf Lance, the fiddler, should grow weary and let fall his bow. "They's fo' blue waistes here to-night. Ollie Warson looks mahty sweet in her's." "Do you think so? Hit seems like she favored her paw too much."

"Ah don' know, oh, Ah don' know," sobbed the poor girl; "only hit's somethin' mahty mean fo' sho'. He's that low-down 'n sneaky hit's sho' to be somethin' mean," she reiterated. "It seems to me, Melissa, that if I were married, I shouldn't want to have a secret that my husband didn't know.

"You have no r-relatives to suffer; alone you bear the bur-rden of your misdeeds. But if Bud goes wr-rong consider of the gr-rief of that poor Melissa, and think of the baby gr-rowing up to know that her father is a cr-riminal!" "You-all think you got a mahty strong argyment there, Mr. Baron, don' you? But let me tell you, that's the weakest one you could bring.