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The Moorish corner domes are omitted here, as the palaces terminate on one side in one of the Italian towers and on the other in the wings of the Tower of Jewels. The central portals are Italian, with tiled roofs and latticed grills, with handsome imitations of bronze work under the arches. The friezes over the arches as well as the figures in the niches are by Mahonri Young, of New York.

The long frieze above the doorway and the figures in the niches on either side are by Mahonri Young of Salt Lake City. Palace of Liberal Arts The Tower of Jewels by Night Either by day or by night, the Tower of Jewels is the dominating center of the Exposition, epitomizing not only its entire meaning and message, but summarizing in detail its architectural development.

It appreciates the various daily labors of mankind through which civilization continues and is almost devotional in its expression "in the handicraft of their work is their prayer." The Useful Arts Frieze Over South Portals Another artist who appreciates the spirit and enterprise of our own day and finds inspiration in its humble labors is Mahonri Young.

Suggest Roman gateway. Coloring, pink, turquoise blue, and burnt orange; accentuates sculpture. Duplicated on Palaces of Manufactures and Liberal Arts. Panel over doorway, by Mahonri Young, Ogden, Utah; figures of domestic life and industries, making of glass, metal work, statuary, textiles. Flat columns at side of portals, pilasters. Corinthian. Lion, over centerpiece of arch.

The sculptures of the doorway, including the two figures of male and female labor in the niches, and the long high-relief panel, are by Mahonri Young, who is noted for his simple, powerful treatment of modern themes. The panel represents various branches of manufacture, including metal work, blacksmithing, pottery-making, spinning, and architectural sculpture. Palace of Liberal Arts

The first meeting of the sculptors took place in January, 1913, in Bitter's studio, with a remarkable array of personages in attendance, including D. C. French, Herbert Adams, Robert Aitken, James E. Fraser, H. A. MacNeil, A. A. Weinman, Mahonri Young, Isidore Konti, Mrs. Burroughs and several others.