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Speak for me, I pray you, to the hammer bearer, that I may go whither my grandfather is gone, if so be that I am dead." "Nay, lady," said Dalfin, with all courtesy, "I do not know him you mean. I am only Dalfin, Prince of Maghera, of the northern O'Neills." Now, at that magnificent "only" I saw Bertric trying to stifle somewhat like a grin beyond the shoulder of his charge.

"My son, it is not good for a man to show idle curiosity but it is no foolish question if I ask who you are that you wear the torque of the O'Neills which was lost." "I am Dalfin of Maghera, father. The torque has come back to me, for Dubhtach is avenged." At that the hermit gave somewhat like a smothered shout, and his stately way fell from him altogether.

It was Dalfin of Maghera, the Irish guest who was with us. He had taken a passage in a Norse ship from Belfast, meaning to see lands across the sea, and had bided here when he found that we could show him hunting such as he had never heard of.

I can sit and watch you there and back, and cannot feel lonely. But need he go?" "Faith," said Dalfin, laughing, "can a prince of Maghera sit still when the fires are burning yonder to call him? That would be a shame to him, and a wonder to his folk. I must go." His eyes shone, and it was plain that even had we wished to do so, we could not stay him.

"My name?" said Dalfin, with a flash of pride in his gray eyes. "It is Dalfin, prince of Maghera, in Ireland, of the line of the Ulster kings. Kill me, and boast that once you slew a prince. No need to say that I was bound when you did it." He spoke the Danish of Waterford and Dublin well enough. Asbiorn flushed, with some sort of manly shame, as I believe, and even old Heidrek frowned uneasily.

Two years later, four hundred and fifty of the followers of De Courcy, another great Norman warrior, were defeated at Maghera Conall in Louth, some being drowned in the river, while others were slain on the battlefield. In the same year De Courcy was again defeated with great slaughter in Down, and escaped severely wounded to Dublin.

Bertric spoke again to Dalfin, asking him how it came to pass that he could not swim, which was as much a wonder to him as it had been to me. "Yesterday I would have asked you why I should be able," Dalfin answered lightly, "today I know well enough. But my home in Maghera, where we of the northern O'Neills have our place and state, lies inland.

It was more than good to be in the mail of a free man and warrior once more. Dalfin shook himself, as a man will to settle his byrnie into place, and his eyes shone, and he leapt on the deck, crying: "Now am I once more a prince of Maghera, and can look a foe aye, and death, in the face joyfully. My thanks, dear lady, for this honour!"

There are many other examples, some of a later date, such as Temple Cronan and Maghera and Banagher in Derry, St. Finan's oratory in county Cork, St. Fechin's at Fore, and St. Molaise's at Devenish.

"We will not leave one alive to talk of it." I laughed, for he spoke as if he had a host at his heels. "No laughing matter," he said, rising up; "but it is not to be thought of that a prince of Maghera should be harmed in his own land." "What is that? Your own land?" "Of course," he said, staring at me. "Will you tell me that you two seamen did not know that yonder lies Ireland?