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The morning passed without any event worth mentioning. And all the while they kept steadily at the business of eating up some of the two hundred miles that Felipe assured them lay between Magangue and the city at the mouth of the big river. Another thing was worrying Andy, however. He finally broached the subject to his comrade knowing that in this way he would get relief.

From him Frank extracted all the information he could concerning the wonderful country lying between Magangue and the Isthmus of Panama, covering possibly some three hundred miles. It was little enough. Most of it, he declared was a terra incognita, being utterly unknown land.

It is your business to simply steer this boat up the river until we arrive at Magangue." "Si, señor. But when I return they will surely make the trouble for me," replied the pilot, shrugging his narrow shoulders. "Not at all, Felipe," declared Frank. "You can swear that we made you do as we wished; that you dared not turn back, since your life was in danger.

But then, fortunately, morning was not so far away and Andy would have only a couple of hours, more or less, of his self-imposed labor. They knew that if the pilot of the river expedition said truly, they must even now be drawing near the town of Magangue. Possibly it would break upon their vision with the coming of dawn.

We've navigated the five hundred miles in this little steam craft" with only a few break-downs of the machinery, and just two days' delay. And the second step on our journey comes to a close." "The third ought to take us to that valley town up the river; ain't I right?" asked the anxious Andy. "Sure. As near as I can make it, Magangue must be not over two hundred miles upstream.

"But," continued the obliging señor, "you will certainly be able to learn more concerning this when you see my fellow-countryman, Señor Mendoza; for all his life has he lived there at Magangue, and surely he must know something of that country to the south." "We shall leave here with as little delay as possible," observed Frank.