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Very occasionally, the editor indicates by a single character, equivalent to "right" or "wrong," which reading in his opinion is to be preferred. In the notes to the present republication of the Corean text, S stands for Sung, M for Ming, and J for Japanese; R for right, and W for wrong. "maculae, quas aut incuria fudit, Aut humana parum cavit nature,"

The eruption starts usually with discrete papules, often in stellate groups, and generally arranged symmetrically when on the limbs. These become fused into crimson, slightly raised maculae, which in severe cases become further fused into red thickened patches, in which the papules can still be felt and sometimes seen. Vesicles form, and exudation occurs in only about one-third of the cases.

The specimen is seven lines in length, entirely black, the head shining, the thorax and abdomen opaque, and having two white maculae touching the apical margin of the basal segment above; the wings are smoky, the antennae broken off. Of one of them I found subsequently seventeen joints the perfect insect in the possession of Mr. Saunders having twenty joints." Drusilla myloecha, Tab. 4 fig. 3, 4.