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Serve hot with rich sauce that is flavored with some orange juice and peel. Beat it boiling hot into the yolks of six eggs previously beaten very light. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites, then add box Cox's gelatine dissolved in warm water, one cup raisins, seeded, steamed and soaked in sherry or whiskey, one cup of nuts rolled small, else one cup of crumbled macaroons, or a cup of both mixed.

"It's exactly as I told you," she said presently, "except that some people use sponge cake instead of macaroons. The orange juice depends on individual taste. Shall I write that out for you, or will you remember it?" "Oh, I can remember it," said the other; "but tell me, Miss Panney " "Well, then," said the old lady, "make it for him, and see how he likes it. There is one thing, Mrs.

And there are two cakes, and a pigeon pie, and lots of jam, and some macaroons and turnovers, and two bottles of raspberry vinegar." "My name's Damer," said Leo. "Can you cook?" "Not yet, Damer," said I, hoping that my answer conveyed my willingness to learn. For I was quite prepared for all the duties of fag life from Mr. Clerke's descriptions.

Of course they're rather dull, but then you get very few of the better sorts. Take macaroons, for instance. They're nearly a halfpenny each in Brannigan's. Sheer robbery, I call it." Frank, determined to do the thing handsomely if he did it at all, passed half a crown to Priscilla over the back of the bath chair. "My dear child," he said, "buy macaroons by all means if you like them.

Serve cold. Mix these and sugar, not allowing it to draw too much juice. Flavor with sherry, if you like. Serve individually, putting whipped cream on the top with a cherry. Fill a glass bowl with alternate layers of macaroons and lady fingers, sprinkle a layer of finely-chopped nuts over the cake, then a layer of crystallized cherries.

So he set off as quickly as his carefulness in such matters would permit him, not forgetting to put a packet of macaroons and a flask of wine into certain of his pockets, or to carry a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a camp stool under his arm.

'I won't come down to dinner. 'Yes, you will. Let us have no more about it. Some one wants you. 'Please, ma'am, the fish is come. 'Sister, sister, come and see how I have done up the macaroons in green leaves. 'Sister, sister, do come and reach me down some calycanthus out of the greenhouse!

Crackers and cake are eaten in the same way; although some cakes and pastries are eaten with the fork. Those that can be eaten daintily with the fingers such as macaroons, lady-fingers, cookies, etc., should be eaten so while layer cake and elaborate pastries should be eaten with the fork. Corn on the cob is without a doubt one of the most difficult foods to eat gracefully.

But he was growing slowly comforted; and the instinct to excuse his fear revived within him. "Mother Lee went round in me and got all fiery," he mumbled. "Well, Jon, what can you expect if you eat macaroons after you've gone to bed?" "Only one, Mum; it made the music ever so more beautiful. I was waiting for you I nearly thought it was to-morrow." "My ducky, it's only just eleven now."

It's wonderful, and six kinds of sandwiches. Cheese with pimento, and cheese with chopped walnuts, lettuce and egg, chopped raisins with beaten white of egg, and raspberry jam and cream cheese, sardine on lettuce with mayonnaise and deviled ham, with macaroons on the side." "It's perfectly dandy," exclaimed Kit.