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Thus Miss Lura Sanborn, Director of Physical Training at the Chicago Normal School, found that a bath once a fortnight was not unusual. At the menstrual period especially there is still a superstitious dread of water. Girls should always be taught that at this period, above all, cleanliness is imperatively necessary. There is not the slightest reason to dread water during menstruation.

"It's all right; I am Mrs. Doring." The officer looked suspiciously from one to the other, then consulted his memorandum: "Small, slender woman, yellow hair, gray eyes, answers to name of Mrs. Lura Doring. Left Chicago on June 10." "When did she get to New York?" asked the officer. "A week ago to-morrow, on the eleventh," said Floss.

No one spoke to her, and nothing happened, but she sat in terrified suspense, looking neither to right nor left, her heart beating frantically at every approach, and the whirring wheels repeating the questioning refrain, "Dora Luring? Dura Loring? Lura Doring?" In New York, Floss met her as she stepped off the train, fairly enveloping her in her enthusiasm. "Here you are, you old darling!

I didn't want to go my head was plumb full of the silver-mine business, an' I jest wanted to git down to you quick as I could. The minute I said 'Johnnie, Rudd 'lowed he wanted to warn me about you down in the Cottonville mills. He went over all that stuff concerning Lura, an' how she'd been killed off in the mill folk's hospital and her body shipped to Cincinnati and sold.

Miss Lucinda took the bit of paper, put on her glasses, and read, "Mrs. Lura Doring." "Yes," said Tom; "that's the lady it was made out for. Nine chances out of ten they won't mention it; but if anything comes up, you just say yes, you are Mrs. Doring, and it will be all right." "But," protested Miss Lucinda, ready to weep, "I cannot tell a falsehood."

Queen Lura cried a little, the Princess Maddala laughed, and Maya went out alone, not lonely, for the Spark burned high and clear, and showed all the legends written on the world everywhere, and Maya read them as she went.

"There's Bill's fiddle, Dick," said I, getting up; "I thought you would bring him out." "Yes, I was sure of that. I'll sing another verse or two, and then be off to the park, and leave him in the lurch." "I can't wait any more, Dick; I must go to my father," said I. "Well, off with you, then, and I'm off too. Sing tura ha, tura ha, tura lura ha. Bill's coming down. How savage the nigger will be!"

"Excuse me," said a man's voice above her, "but are either of you ladies Mrs. Lura Doring?" The effect was electrical. Miss Lucinda sat bolt upright and stared madly about. Tom Speckert had told her to be sure to answer to that name. It would get him into trouble if she failed to do so. "Yes, yes," she gasped; "I am Mrs. Lura Doring."

Caught between the heavy hulls of the Pelican and Albatross, the Lura grated, beam to beam, her timbers creaking and twisting from the strain, her propeller churning the water in a vain effort to break through the tong-like grip of the two boats which disputed her passage. The drunken crew of the Lura surged to the rail with wild cries of rage. The air was filled with flying missiles.

But while dramatic poetry declined, lyric poetry flourished. Lyric comes from the Greek word lura, a lyre, and all lyric poetry was at one time meant to be sung. Now we use the word for any short poem whether meant to be sung or not. In the times of James and Charles there were many lyric poets.