United States or Grenada ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As he darted into the crowded lobby, which, as usual at the luncheon-hour, was filled with Belgian, French, and British staff officers, diplomatists, Cabinet Ministers and correspondents, he flung his arms out in a nervous, characteristic gesture, as though pushing his way through a crowd.

For Isabel looked and spoke so much as usual that it seemed impossible to believe that she was indeed nearing the end of the journey. She wanted to know all that Dinah had been doing, and they sat and discussed the decorations of the Dower House till the luncheon-hour.

"How blessed am I not to have been cut off in my sin, denying the Maker of Nature!" They walked along the street together. The next morning, at the luncheon-hour, a breathless Beadle, with a red beard and a very red face, knocked joyously at the door of the Herz garret. "I am in work again," he explained. "Mazzeltov!"

And first she thought she would go home to Hampstead, then that she would go back to the station, then: 'After all, why shouldn't I go and try? They can't eat me. I will! She reached her destination at the luncheon-hour, so that the offices of the great evening journal were somewhat deserted.

At last a soft hand, which Lothair retained, gave him a slight pressure, and a sweet voice whispered: "Dearest, I think we ought to return." And they returned almost in silence. They rather calculated that, taking advantage of the luncheon-hour, Corisande might escape to her room, but they were a little too late. Luncheon was over, and they met the duchess and a large party on the terrace.

I went again and again over the whole maddening round of conjecture; but the only conclusion I could rest in was that, if she loved me as I loved her, she would be as determined as I was to let no obstacle come between us during the days that were left. "The luncheon-hour came and passed, and there was no word from her.

Several of the visitors pleaded to be allowed to join the party, and tried to wheedle invitations from the children during the luncheon-hour, to their own humiliation and defeat. "You would like to have me with you, wouldn't you, darling? You would like to sit next to me in the boat?" pleaded one pretty young lady of the chubby baby; but Inda wriggled away, and replied sturdily

The hot dishes at breakfast are varied almost every morning, and where there is a good cook a variety of some twenty dishes is made. The living is just as good often better among the five-thousand-pounds-a-year gentry as among the very wealthy: the only difference lies in the number of servants and guests. The luncheon-hour is from one to two.

Better had it been the typing-girl, I bitterly reflected. Her father had at least been a curate! Thankful enough I now was for the luncheon-hour rush: I could distract myself from the appalling disaster. That day I took rather more than my accustomed charge of the serving.

Being luncheon-hour, that bit of Middle Temple Lane where the body was found, was thick with the inquisitive and the sensation-seeker, for the news of the murder had spread, and though there was nothing to see but the bare stones on which the body had lain, there were more open mouths and staring eyes around the entry than Spargo had seen for many a day.