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After the discoveries that a lunation occupies nearly thirty days, and that some twelve lunations occupy a year discoveries of which there is no historical account, but which may be inferred as the earliest, from the fact that existing uncivilised races have made them we come to the first known astronomical records, which are those of eclipses. The Chaldeans were able to predict these.

Salutations to thee that art clad in black, to thee that art of dark and curly hair, to thee that hast a dark deer-skin for thy upper garment, to thee that presidest over the eighth lunation of the dark fortnight.

Since the date of this book the number of known rills has been more than doubled; in fact, scarcely a lunation passes without new discoveries being made.

On the thirteenth day therefore, from the first lunation, according as it is the day of the full moon or the new moon, the moon and the sun are afflicted by Rahu. Such strange eclipses, both lunar and solar, forebode a great slaughter. All the quarters of the earth, being overwhelmed by showers of dust, look inauspicious. Fierce clouds, portentous of danger, drop bloody showers during the night.

It is probable however, that as this influence gradually lessens during the course of the day, or of the lunation, or of the year, some actions of our system become less and less; till at length a total quiescence of some part is induced; which is the commencement of the paroxysms of fever, of menstruation, of pain with decreased action of the affected organ, and of consequent convulsion.

The Nandi describe every day of the month by the appearance of the moon or by its relation to occupations. But, though the quartering of the lunation may seem to us the most natural division of the month, in actual practice it is rather the exception.

Having given away a cow, the giver should, for three nights, adopt the vaccine vow, and pass one night with kine. Commencing again from that lunation, numbering the eight, which is known by the name of Kamya, he should pass three nights, supporting himself entirely on milk and urine and dung of the cow. By giving away a couple of kine, one acquires the mastery of the Vedas.

Had he lived, and recovered health, it might have proved that he was then only in another lunation: his first was when he passed from poesy to heroism. But as it was, it has only served to show that his mind had suffered by the decadency of his circumstances, and how much the idea of self-exaltation weakly entered into all his plans.

When these of recurrence begin one or two hours earlier than the solar period, it shews, that the torpor or cold fit is produced by less external influence; and therefore that it is more liable to degenerate into a fever with only remissions; so when menstruation recurs sooner than the period of lunation, it shews a tendency of the habit to torpor of inirritability.

They that are born under an auspicious constellation on an auspicious lunation and at an auspicious hour, strive their best for performing sacrifices, practising charity, and procreating children, and desiring to pass their time cheerfully in those acts, at last win very great happiness.