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Godfrey in Northumberland Street now happened to Mr. Luker in Alfred Place. Once more the respectable man answered the door, and showed the visitor up-stairs into the back drawing-room. There, again, lay the illuminated manuscript on a table. Mr. Luker's attention was absorbed, as Mr. Godfrey's attention had been absorbed, by this beautiful work of Indian art.

I had satisfied myself of the correctness of this conclusion and was trying to get on a step further, and penetrate the Indian's motives next when a letter was brought to me, which proved to be from no less a person that Mr. Septimus Luker himself.

May there not be something in these recent events which threatens her secret with discovery?" "Discovery?" repeated my aunt. "What can you possibly mean? Discovery through Mr. Luker? Discovery through my nephew?" As the word passed her lips, a special providence occurred. The servant opened the door, and announced Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite. Mr. Godfrey followed the announcement of his name as Mr.

Read it as I read it, and you will set the right value on the Sergeant's polite attention in sending me the news of the day: "LAMBETH Shortly before the closing of the court, Mr. Septimus Luker, the well-known dealer in ancient gems, carvings, intagli, &c., &c., applied to the sitting magistrate for advice.

The street before the house, and the alley behind the house, had been carefully watched. No signs of the Indians had been visible. No person whatever had been seen loitering about the premises. Having stated these facts, the man waited to know whether there were any further orders. Mr. Bruff dismissed him for the night. "Do you think Mr. Luker has taken the Moonstone home with him?" I asked.

"I am certain," she said, "that I have found out the true reason of your unwillingness to speak of this matter before my mother and before me. An unlucky accident has associated you in people's minds with Mr. Luker. You have told me what scandal says of HIM. What does scandal say of you?" Even at the eleventh hour, dear Mr. Godfrey always ready to return good for evil tried to spare her.

"Surely you forget," I said, "that the whole thing is essentially a matter of the past so far as I am concerned?" "Answer me this," retorted Mr. Bruff. "Is the Moonstone at the bottom of all the mischief or is it not?" "It is of course." "Very good. What do we believe was done with the Moonstone, when it was taken to London?" "It was pledged to Mr. Luker."

It might be their object to collect a crowd, and create a disturbance in the street, and, in the confusion thus caused, to obtain access to the house. In reply to the magistrate, Mr. Luker admitted that he had no evidence to produce of any attempt at robbery being in contemplation. He could speak positively to the annoyance and interruption caused by the Indians, but not to anything else.

When he had done, she said, "Considering that Mr. Luker is only a chance acquaintance of yours, you take up his cause, Godfrey, rather warmly." My gifted friend made her one of the most truly evangelical answers I ever heard in my life. "I hope, Rachel, I take up the cause of all oppressed people rather warmly," he said. The tone in which those words were spoken might have melted a stone.

Another, dated a week on, for the remaining balance seventeen hundred pounds. How the Moonstone was trusted to the keeping of Mr Luker's bankers, and how the Indians treated Mr. Luker and Mr. The next event in your cousin's life refers again to Miss Verinder. One of his reasons for making this concession has been penetrated by Mr. Bruff.