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I'm goin' up to the store. It's pretty nigh eight o'clock in the mornin' and that store ain't open yet." "Want to come along, Mary-'Gusta?" asked Zoeth. "She can come, can't she, Shad?" "Yes, yes, course she can," more genially. "Cal'late there's some of those sassafras checkerberry lozengers left yet. Come on, Mary-'Gusta, if you want to." But the child shook her head.

One old maid who ordered powder for her face, her ticket drew some worm lozengers, and she kicked awfully, and a widow who was going to be married, she ordered a celluloid comb and brush, and she got a nursing bottle with a rubber nozzle, and a toothing ring, and she made quite a fuss; but the woman who was weaning her baby and wanted the nursing bottle, she got the comb and brush and some blue pills, and she never made any fuss at all.

Wish I hadn't come," sighed Billy, feeling, all too late, that lemonade and "lozengers" were not the fittest food for man, or a stifling tent the best place to be in on a hot July day, especially in a thunder-storm.

"The peer allowed he shore wouldn’t, and the crockery rattled harder than ever. Joplin Joe then tried him on the hair-oil and the throat lozengers, the peer declining each with thanks. "’Peer,’ said Joplin Joe, fair busting with hospitality, ’is there anything in this Gawd’s world that you do want?’ "The crockery rattled an interlood, then Joplin Joe made out: "’Thanks, very much.

At length the lady drew from underneath herself an exceedingly fat purse. "Fancy riding in a bumpby bus, perched up on that thing," he continued. "Think what a stamina they must have." He grew confidential. "I've seen one woman," he said, "pull out from underneath 'er a street doorkey, a tin box of lozengers, a pencil-case, a whopping big purse, a packet of hair-pins, and a smelling-bottle.

'The meenister, replied Miss Tod, who for some mysterious reason always guessed the reverend gentleman, who happened to be a customer. 'On the contrary, said Christina. 'Wullie Thomson, said Macgregor, suddenly remembering the borrowed threepence. 'Up dux! Ye deserve a sweetie. She presented the bag, open. 'What sort are they? He laughed and answered 'War Loan Lozengers.

After listening to this for a few moments the mother heard the girl say: "Now, Polly, you pass the collection plate, and nobody must put in lozengers, and then we will all go to the dancing school."

But as it turned out I met Diantha while Josiah wuz in a shop buyin' some peppermint lozengers, and she said her niece had come from the West, and they got along all right. So that lifted my burden. But I thought best not to tell Josiah, as he wuz so bound to represent me.

In place of the decanters, were boxes containing "lozengers," as they were commonly called, sticks of candy in jars, cigars in tumblers, a few lemons, grown hard-skinned and marvellously shrunken by long exposure, but still feebly suggestive of possible lemonade, the whole ornamented by festoons of yellow and blue cut fly-paper.

He swallowed his dust, he gasped for his fresh air, he wept over his cinders, he refused his "lozengers," he was admired by all the pretty girls and detested by all the puny men in the train, and in good time got down at his station. He stopped on the platform to survey the land and water-privileges of his new abode.