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But if he imagined in his misery that the whole school was going to spend the entire day jeering at him, and him alone, he was greatly mistaken, for once out of sight Stephen soon passed out of mind in presence of the next elegant extract read out for the benefit of the assembled audience. This was no other than Simon's "Love-Ballad."

Shrinking Caryatides Of just-tinged marble, like Eve's lilied flesh. This weird love-ballad in prose must have taxed the translator almost as much as if it had been in rhyme; for although an interpreter of poetry undeniably has the difficulties of form to struggle with, yet there is, on the other hand, an inspiration and waft of feeling in the metre which lends him wings and helps him on. If Mr.

Simon is writing a love-ballad, which is sure to be fun; and Ricketts is writing a review of Liddell and Scott's Lexicon; and Wraysford is engaged on `The Diary of the Sixth Form Mouse." "Good!" said Oliver, "and what are you writing?" "Oh, the leading article, you know, and the personal notes, and `Squeaks from Guineapigland and Tadpoleopolis, and some of the advertisements.

"The fact is," he began again, speaking for the sake of speaking, and not even knowing what he was going to say "the fact is " Here the street door opened, and there entered hurriedly a boy whom Loman, to his confusion and consternation, recognised as Simon of the Fifth, the author of the "Love-Ballad." What could the monitor say for himself to explain his presence in this prohibited house?

"Jockie and Jenny" I would discard, and in its place would put "There's nae luck about the house", which has a very pleasant air; and which is positively the finest love-ballad in that style in the Scottish, or perhaps in any other language. "When she came ben she bobbet", as an air, is more beautiful than either, and in the andante way would unite with a charming sentimental ballad.

But he had one ambition and one idea, which was that he could write poetry; and the following touching ballad from his pen he offered to the Dominican, and the Dominican showed its appreciation of real talent by inserting it: "A Love-Ballad. "I wish I was a buttercup, Upon the mountain top, That you might sweetly pick me up, And sweetly let me drop.

I had never before received a distinct intimation of my littleness of nature, and my first impulse was to fly from thought, and then, as if to prove myself justly accused, I caught myself regretting no, not regretting, gazing, as it were, on a picture of regrets that Ottilia was not a romantic little lady of semi-celestial rank, exquisitely rash, wilful, desperately enamoured, bearing as many flying hues and peeps of fancy as a love-ballad, and not more roughly brushing the root-emotions.

He did not meet her eye, but continued to drink in the uniformed official, who was by now so carried away by the romance of it all that he had begun to hum a love-ballad under his breath. The official could not hear what they were saying, and would not have been able to understand it even if he could have heard; but he was an expert in the language of the eyes.

"Only part," said the poet of the "Love-Ballad", "and I presented that to the paper." "Suppose it was mine?" said Oliver, with a drawl. "Then," said Loman, losing his temper, "all I can say is, the sooner you clear it away the better." "Oh! all right; only it's not mine." "Look here," said Loman, "I'm not going to fool about with you.

After the dance was over, General Castro led her to her dueña, and handing her a guitar, begged a song. She began a light love-ballad, singing with the grace and style of her Spanish blood; a little mocking thing, but with a wild break now and again.