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'Lor-a-mussy! said Mrs. Tulrumble: 'why what's become of old Sniggs? 'The late Mr. Sniggs, Mrs. Tulrumble, said Mr. Tulrumble sharply, for he by no means approved of the notion of unceremoniously designating a gentleman who filled the high office of Mayor, as 'Old Sniggs, 'The late Mr. Sniggs, Mrs. Tulrumble, is dead. The communication was very unexpected; but Mrs.

I say be happy, too, assented the still pensive Mr Boffin. 'Lor-a-mussy! exclaimed Mrs Boffin, laughing and clapping her hands, and gaily rocking herself to and fro, 'when I think of me in a light yellow chariot and pair, with silver boxes to the wheels 'Oh! you was thinking of that, was you, my dear? 'Yes! cried the delighted creature.

Tulrumble only ejaculated 'Lor-a-mussy! once again, as if a Mayor were a mere ordinary Christian, at which Mr. Tulrumble frowned gloomily. 'What a pity 'tan't in London, ain't it? said Mrs. Tulrumble, after a short pause; 'what a pity 'tan't in London, where you might have had a show. 'I MIGHT have a show in Mudfog, if I thought proper, I apprehend, said Mr. Tulrumble mysteriously.

Uncle Pumblechook has offered to take him into town to-night and keep him over night, and to take him with his own hands to Miss Havisham's to-morrow morning, and Lor-a-mussy me!" cried my sister. "Here I stand talking, with Uncle Pumblechook waiting, and the mare catching cold at the door, and the boy grimed with dirt from the hair of his head to the sole of his foot!"

‘Lor-a-mussy!’ said Mrs. Tulrumble: ‘why what’s become of old Sniggs?’ ‘The late Mr. Sniggs, Mrs. Tulrumble,’ said Mr. Tulrumble sharply, for he by no means approved of the notion of unceremoniously designating a gentleman who filled the high office of Mayor, as ‘Old Sniggs,’—‘The late Mr. Sniggs, Mrs. Tulrumble, is dead.’ The communication was very unexpected; but Mrs.

Veale, although sadly bemused, at once said that he could refuse nothing to the wife of his preserver. "Oh, lor-a-mussy, yes, mum, you may 'aave my little Norrer an' do what you like wi' her. Bless her heart, I look on Norrer and her brothers to be the comfort o' my old age, but I wunt stan' in their light to interfere wi' what's best for any of 'em."

And Lor-a-mussy me!" cried my sister, casting off her bonnet in sudden desperation, "here I stand talking to mere Mooncalfs, with Uncle Pumblechook waiting, and the mare catching cold at the door, and the boy grimed with crock and dirt from the hair of his head to the sole of his foot!"

Tulrumble only ejaculated ‘Lor-a-mussy!’ once again, as if a Mayor were a mere ordinary Christian, at which Mr. Tulrumble frowned gloomily. ‘What a pity ’tan’t in London, ain’t it?’ said Mrs. Tulrumble, after a short pause; ‘what a pity ’tan’t in London, where you might have had a show.’ ‘I might have a show in Mudfog, if I thought proper, I apprehend,’ said Mr. Tulrumble mysteriously.