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Why, if she'd been got up accordin' to this year's models, and could have thrown the front she ought to, she'd have been fit for a first-tier box at the grand op'ra. "Chee!" thinks I. "Did she pick Piddie in the dark?" She'd come in to drag him out shoppin' and hypnotize him into loosenin' up. It was a case of gettin' things for little Hemmingway.

There is very good beef steaks in a sturgeon, and very good fish too, and yet it tante either fish or flesh. I don't like taking a new name, it looks amazing like taking new principles, or, at all events, like loosenin' old ones, and I hante seen the creed of this new sect yet I don't know what its tenets are, nor where to go and look for 'em.

We worked with water an' we worked with hot water, we tried loosenin' the edges by jerkin' quick when Elijah was n't expectin', but it was all no use. Dr. Brown said he never see such a plaster, he said it'd be a fortune for mendin' china.

His squaw was hangin' around with her eyes poppin' out, but we didn't pay no attention to her. Somehow Mike's pinchers kept jumpin' the track and at every slip a new wrinkle showed in the patient's face patient is the right word, all right and we didn't make no more show at loosenin' that tusk than as if we'd tried to pull up Mount Bill Williams with a silk thread.

"`Kape her away! kape her away! Pat shouted out in a minute or two after the cap'en had come on deck `The top of the berg is loosenin', yer honour; and sure it's falling on us it will be in a brace of shakes! Kape her away, or, be jabers, it's lost we'll be for sartin!

But even if they is a posse or two, which the chances is there will be, owin' to the loosenin' effect of spiritorious licker on the tongue, which it will be indulged in liberal when that bunch hits town, we can slip down into the bad lands an' lay low for a while, an' then on to the N. P. an' you can get out of the country." Endicott extended his hand: "I thank you," he said.

When the childless old couple, still sailing under the banner of a charity-forbidding pride, became practically reduced to their last copper, just as Abe's joints were "loosenin' up" after a five years' siege of rheumatism, and decided to sell all their worldly possessions, apart from their patched and threadbare wardrobes and a few meager keepsakes, they had depended upon raising at least two hundred dollars, one half of which was to secure Abe a berth in the Old Men's Home at Indian Village, and the other half to make Angeline comfortable for life, if a little lonely, in the Old Ladies' Home in their own native hamlet of Shoreville.

"I fear we shouldn't have much of a garden if I had to dig it all, but I thought I'd make a beginning with a few early vegetables." "That's well enough, but a plow beats a fork all hollow. You'll know what I mean when you see my plow going down to the beam and loosenin' the ground from fifteen to twenty inches.

"It's nice to smell this 'ere hearthy smell, sir, ain't it?" said Joe to the officer. "It seems to fill yer up inside with its flavorance." Barry smiled. "It does indeed, Joe. I love the smell of these low-lying coral islands." "I hope; sir, you won't mind my loosenin' my jaw tackle a bit; but I'd be mighty glad, sir, if you could let me come with you in the boats when we begins the divin'."

Sizin' up the premises, were you, and gettin' ready to collect a few souvenirs?" "A thousand pardons," says he, "if I have seem to intrude!" "Eh?" says I. That wa'n't exactly the comeback you'd expect from a second-story worker, and he has a queer foreign twist to his words. "It is possible," he goes on, "that I have achieved the grand mistake." "Maybe," says I, loosenin' up on him a little.