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Not as I'm a-findin' faut wi' ye for't, for ye've no call to be frettin', an' somehow ye looken sorry too. Eh! Well, if the Methodies are fond o' trouble, they're like to thrive: it's a pity they canna ha't all, an' take it away from them as donna like it.

"I'm not saying nothing against the brat," cried Tom in exasperated tones; "anyone'd think I wanted'n to die by the way you go on at me. I don't it don't matter to me, for I'm going to be a lawyer like Mr. Tonkin to Penzance, but Archelaus'll be a fool if he don't look higher than Jenifer Keast." "I'm not looken' to lead no maid," cried the badgered Archelaus, snatching the light.

"'Yes, ses you, 'I have, like a gennelman excuse my imitation, sir and I don't keer a damn for the whelp! That's wot you orter say. 'He's only a bloomin' mongrel." "Very good; what am I to say next, Mr. Linton?" "'Don't yer? says the tother feller; 'then what the h are yer looken arter him for? "'Well, you ses, Mr. Orkins, 'you can go to h . I don't keer for the dawg; he ain't my fancy."

Ef dere is a man in your room, he shall shar de fate ob dat villain dat I've 'spected ob bein' a tief afore. An' he went an' looken in Missy Roberta's room. In a few moments he come back an' say, 'Dere was a man dar, but he 'scape troo de winder on de verandy-roof. Ef I kin discober 'im he shall die too. Den he say, grave an' sad-like: 'Ladies, dere is bad men in eb'ry army.

Who can look on 't, sir, and fairly tell a man 'tis not a muddle? 'Of course, said Mr. Bounderby. 'I donno, sir. I canna be expecten to 't. 'Tis not me as should be looken to for that, sir. 'Tis them as is put ower me, and ower aw the rest of us. What do they tak upon themseln, sir, if not to do't? 'I'll tell you something towards it, at any rate, returned Mr. Bounderby.

There's a boat put inter the cove whilst yer was looken, and here am Caleb Benson." "So thar am," cried Victoria, snatching the glass, "acomin' full split across the medder. Now for it!"

'Here was my lady herself red as scarlet: here was Master Springrove, looken as if he half wished he'd never a-come ah, poor souls! the men always do! The women do stand it best the maid was in her glory. Though she was so shy the glory shone plain through that shy skin. Ah, it did so's.

Mark wriggled and said, "I can looken out for myself wivout Paul!" Their mother looked for a moment deep into the eyes of her older son, so clear, so quiet, so unchanging and true. "You're a good boy, Paul, a real comfort," she told him. To herself she thought, "Yes, all his life he'll look out for people and get no thanks for it."

'The man that the old quean hev got is a man you can hardly get upon your tongue to gainsay, by the look o' en, rejoined Clerk Crickett. 'One o' them people that can contrive to be thought no worse o' for stealen a horse than another man for looken over hedge at en, said a grinder. 'Well, he's all there as steward, and is quite the gentleman no doubt about that.