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We must, of course, acknowledge that as it is there are longueurs, intrusion of Saint Simonian jargon, passages of galimatias, and of preaching. But of what in strictness produces the good effect we can only say one thing, and that is, it was the genius of Balzac working as it listed and as it knew how to work. The book was originally published by Mme.

And on the whole it answers best. But now we are reading "The Talisman." Come and inspect us, unless you're a purist about your Scott. None other of the immortals have such longueurs as he, and we cut him freely. 'By all means, said Langham; lead on. And he followed his companion without repugnance. After all, there was something contagious in so much youth and hopefulness.

They passed the snuff-boxes and remarks about the weather. The opportunities of skipping afforded by a too exuberant liturgy promoted conversation, and even stocks were discussed in the terrible longueurs induced by the meaningless ministerial repetition of prayers already said by the congregation, or by the official recitations of catalogues of purchased benedictions.

And on the whole it answers best. But now we are reading The Talisman. Come and inspect us, unless you're a purist about your Scott! None other of the immortals have such longueurs as he, and we cut him freely. 'By all means, said Langham; 'lead on. And he followed his companion without repugnance. After all, there was something contagious in so much youth and hopefulness.

The Forsaken Merman is not a perfect poem it has longueurs, though it is not long; it has those inadequacies, those incompetences of expression, which are so oddly characteristic of its author; and his elaborate simplicity, though more at home here than in some other places, occasionally gives a dissonance.

Owing to the length and uniformity of Crabbe's verse, what was ordinarily called an "anthology" was out of the question. FitzGerald was restricted to a single method. He found that readers were impatient of Crabbe's longueurs. It occurred to him that while making large omissions he might preserve the story in each case, by substituting brief prose abstracts of the portions omitted.

It is responsible, however, for many of the longueurs of the Ring, as, for instance, in Act II of the Valkyrie, when Wotan stops the action to give Brünnhilde an elementary lesson in Schopenhauer-cum-Wagner metaphysics. The funny thing is that Wagner never renounced anything: to the end he was greedy, avid of life.

Of course, there are terrible longueurs in it, and you do get tired of the same story told over and over from the different points of view, and yet it is such a great story, and unfolded with such a magnificent breadth and noble fulness, that one who blames it lightly blames himself heavily.

The opera is planned on a huge scale, and in such works longueurs are apt to occur. The overture foretells the drama that is to ensue, but not consecutively as in the Dutchman. We have the pilgrims' hymn, the second section of which is one of those things of which one can truly say that only Richard Wagner could have penned them.

But here is the point: whether fifty or five hundred years long and perhaps more likely the former than the latter this period of foreign rule was long enough to make a big break in the national tradition, and to throw all preceding events out of perspective. At the risk of longueurs and other things let me take an illustration from scenes I know.