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The great use of longeing is, not that it supples your horse it is a farce to suppose that but that, next to leading, it is the easiest act of obedience which you can exact from him. In this way it is an admirable lesson. Placing the colt between the pillars of the stall is admirable as a lesson of submission and obedience; by degrees he may be even cleaned there.

For this purpose let the seat alone be cultivated for some time, and when the scholar is arrived at a certain degree of firmness and confidence so as to be trusted, I would always advise the master to take hold of the longeing rein and let the pupil intirely leave the governing of his horse to him, going sufficiently to both hands holding his hands behind him.

When fossil remains of the extinct postboy shall be discovered, it will be seen that he used the short rein, and with great propriety; since his horse may be said to have been alwaysau trot,” and needed only one degree of collection. Colt-breaking is the best possible lesson for the rider. The head-stall. The snaffle. Longeing. Saddling. Mounting. Sermon to the colt-breaker.

For these lessons, and as far as possible for all lessons, the law should be dulcia sunto; but after teaching your child its alphabet in ginger-bread, the time must come when he must go to school. The simplest act of obedience is longeing. In longeing you should walk a circle inside the colt’s circle.