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The Russian language is also extensively known among the ex-soldiers who sojourned so many years as prisoners or as legionaries in Russia. The French language having lost much of its value has not so many students. The "Narodni Listi," which is the principal Czech newspaper in Prague, prints two columns in French every day for the convenience of foreigners who do not understand Bohemian.

"The German benches," said the editor of the "Narodni Listi," who was showing me round the institutions of Prague. Czecho-Slovakia holds now, besides her natural constituent races, a considerable number of Russian exiles, and these have their Russian daily paper at Prague and a number of local Russian enterprises.

"Who is it?" exclaimed the same voice. "Is it you, Balbo?" "Yes, yes," answered Captain Vassilato; "I should have thought you would have known my voice." "Who is it?" hailed another person, apparently on shore. "Gerasimo Listi," answered the watch on the Sea Hawk's deck. "No, no, the old fellow lies drunk at home!" exclaimed the second speaker. "Treachery, treachery.

A boat arrived this morning, soon after break of day, from the island of Naeiri, and a man, who has come in her, Gerassimo Listi, one of the scouts, states that a British ship of war has been anchored some days at the farther end of it, and that he suspects " "Where is the man, this Gerassimo Listi?" exclaimed Zappa, interrupting him suddenly.