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Chafing at the slowness of his cab, he reached the Zoo door; but, with his sunny instinct for seizing the good of each moment, he forgot his vexation as he walked towards the tryst. From the stone terrace above the bear-pit his son and his two grandchildren came hastening down when they saw old Jolyon coming, and led him away towards the lion-house.

These are connected by passage-ways both with the Mansion and with the Lion-House, which is the most westerly of the group, and is the finest building in the Territory, having cost nearly eighty thousand dollars. Like both the offices, it stands with a gable toward the street, and the plaster with which it is covered has a light buff tinge. The architecture is Elizabethan.

While Vergilius stood motionless and alert, a slave hurriedly entered the lion-house and spoke to Antipater. "The imperator!" whispered the slave. "He cannot wait; he must see you quickly." "Where?" "In the palace hall." Antipater hurried away. The slave-girl went close to the barred arena. "Young master," said she, in quick and eager words, "the lamps are burning dimmer. They will go out soon.

'The lion-house in the Zoo is the only commodious building in Regent's Park, he now contradicts the expositor, on the assumption that a lion-house in a Zoo is not a college building. Thus whereas in the first dialogue the recipient merely quarrelled with the expositor without contradicting him, in this dialogue he contradicts him.

The intermittent sounds now a cough, now a horrible wheezing or throat-clearing, now a little patter of conversation were just, he declared, what you hear if you stand in the lion-house when the bones are being mauled.

As every other person, practically, had received two or three plump letters from England, which they were now engaged in reading, this seemed hard, and prompted Hirst to make the caustic remark that the animals had been fed. Their silence, he said, reminded him of the silence in the lion-house when each beast holds a lump of raw meat in its paws.

Kedzie was too excited to note the ghoulish joy with which he planned to put her into the most perilous plights that had ever threatened even a movie star with death or crippledom. "Do they scare you, my dear?" he asked. "Scare me?" said Kedzie. "Why, Mr. Ferriday, if you told me to, I'd go out to the Bronx Zoo-ological Gardens and bite the ear off the biggest lion they got in the lion-house."

His first wife occupies the Mansion-House exclusively, while the others are quartered in the Lion-House. Besides these, he has probably fifty or sixty more, scattered all over the Territory, and in the principal cities of the United States and of Great Britain. His living children do not exceed thirty in number.

Then he answered calmly: "Death is chasing a man through the garden yonder." While Antipater was running towards the lion-house, that small tragedy of the arena was near its end. The lights are burning low. Two have flickered for a little and gone out. The young men are watching with eager eyes.

And by-and-by they were in the great lion-house, where the prisoner kings and nobles are, barred and tawny and striped and spotted, and with flaming yellow eyes.