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As a matter of fact, I was twenty-nine years of age when, in South America, while exploring the ruins of the most ancient civilization of the world of the world, ladies and gentlemen I made my wonderful discovery, the Elixir of Youth! 'What art blethering at, Licksy? a drunken man called from the back of the crowd, and the nickname stuck to the great discoverer during the rest of the Wakes.

'Yes, she said; 'I'll meet him at prison gates. But I mun be young. Give me a drink o' Licksy. He drew the red draught in silence, and after it had effervesced offered it to her. ''Tis raight? she questioned, taking the glass. The Inca nodded, and, lifting the vessel, she opened her eager lips and became immortal.

There was a burst of laughter, amid which the Inca, taking the crowd archly into his confidence, remarked: 'I've never administered my elixir to any of my wives, ladies and gentlemen. You may blame me, but I freely confess the fact; and he winked. 'Licksy! Licksy! the drunken man idiotically chanted.

'What do you want? he asked her, with the ingratiating affability of the rake who foresees everything. 'Give me a drink. 'A drink of what, my dear? 'Licksy. He raised the dip, and by its light examined her face.

'Don't know. But feyther said last Wakes I was fourtane. I mun keep young for Jack. He wunna have me if I'm owd. 'But he'll be hanged, they say. She gave a short, satisfied laugh. 'Not now he's drunk Licksy hangman won't get him. I heard a man say Jack 'd get off wi' twenty year for manslaughter, most like. 'And you'll wait twenty years for him?