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She turned, caught him beneath the chin with one hand, tilting his face, and raised the lessoning forefinger of the other while she stared down at him with a half frown and a half smile like a schoolteacher about to discipline a recalcitrant boy.

It gave her ground for thought: she wondered that the marquis should think the king required such lessoning.

It is good that children of faculty, as distinguished from capacity, should not have too many books to read, or too much of early lessoning. The increase of examinations in our country will increase its capacity and diminish its faculty. We shall have more compilers and reducers and fewer thinkers; more modifiers and completers, and fewer inventors.

A pleasant pastime it was, this worldly lessoning; but I forgot that he was partly a reproduction of his Catholic mother; that where I stood rugged he would fall; that he did not possess ardor that is without fire, love that is without sentiment. . . ." A maudlin voice took up the Chevalier's song . . . "When Ma'm'selle drinks from her satin shoe With a Bacchante's love for a Bacchic brew!"

That the scheme worked on the whole well and justly was in great measure due to Symonds, whose zealous energy, though the Battalion was lessoning daily, never flagged. For two months Battalion drill and the 'Education Scheme' occupied our mornings, football our afternoons. Christmas was a great festival.

It was the one family habit that he had contracted from Vance, much to the irritation of the latter. "After all," said Terry, with complacency, "what are good looks with bad grammar?" Elizabeth snorted literally and most unfemininely. "Terence," she said, lessoning him with her bony, long forefinger, "you're just young enough to be wise about women. When you're a little older, you'll get sense.

"We've about got down to the wolf basis." He said it half in defiance of the trail's fierce lessoning; but it was truer than he knew. They built up the fire to frighten off the wolves, but the Colonel had his rifle along when they went over and crawled into their sleeping-bag. Half in, half out, he laid the gun carefully along the right on his snow-shoes.

It gave her ground for thought: she wondered that the marquis should think the king required such lessoning.

Mary must go on with her music, must be put through the lessoning and grooming of a gentlewoman, and take her place in the dancing class that would be the Junior Cotillion in a year or two.

Her actions now more than ever resembled those of an unthinking puppet, although she knew quite well what she was doing; and her gestures might have been the fruit of long lessoning at the hands of some master of stage melodrama, so true were they to theatrical convention. With furtive, frightened glances toward both doors, Sofia dropped to her knees before the safe....