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John, taking them to be a party of the Royalists, sullenly replied "There's mony ane asks the road they ken," and was proceeding into the field. "Answer me!" demanded the horseman angrily, and raising a pistol in his hand "Sir David Lesly commands you." "Sir David Lesly!" cried John "the champion of the truth! the defender of the good cause!

But think ye that I look as though I bore the mark of the beast upon my forehead?" he continued, taking off his Lowland bonnet, and gazing General Lesly full in the face. "I will trust you," said the General; and, as he spoke, the van of his army appeared in sight.

He also accuses Lesly of abusing his victory by slaughtering many of his prisoners in cold blood. Now, it is true that a hundred of the Irish adventurers were shot; but this was in pursuance of an act of both Parliaments, and not from any private revenge on the part of General Lesly.

Next morning it was agreed that Lesly, Barker, Shiers, and Russen should pay for a canoe to convey them to the town, which was nine miles up the river; and on the morning of the 6th March they took their departure.

How often must I tell you, and especially both you, Ludovic Lesly, and you, Archie Cunningham, that the foreign soldier should bear himself modestly and decorously towards the people of the country if you would not have the whole dogs of the town at your heels? "May it please your Lordship" said Durward. "Is the lad crazed?" exclaimed his uncle.

My blessing with you, my lad; and be in no hurry to think of leaving our body; for there will be good blows going presently in the eye of day, and no ambuscade." "And my blessing, too, nephew," said Ludovic Lesly; "for, since you have satisfied our most noble captain, I also am satisfied, as in duty bound." "Stay, my lord," said Quentin, and led Lord Crawford a little apart from his uncle.

"To read and write!" exclaimed Le Balafre, who was one of that sort of people who think all knowledge is miraculous which chances to exceed their own. "To write, say'st thou, and to read! I cannot believe it never Durward could write his name that ever I heard of, nor Lesly either. I can answer for one of them I can no more write than I can fly.

"I have some friend to see in this quarter," said Durward. "My mother's own brother, Ludovic Lesly an honest and noble name." "And so it is I doubt not," said the old man. "But of three Leslies in the Scottish Guard two are called Ludovic." "They call my kinsman Ludovic with the Scar," said Quentin.

"Saint Martin! you say well, fair countryman," answered Lesly; and raising his voice, swore that he had that day enrolled his kinsman as one of his own retinue. This declaration was a decisive argument. "It is well, gentlemen," said the Provost Tristan, who was aware of the King's nervous apprehension of disaffection creeping in among his Guards.

"We will inquire him out for you; for it is not safe for you to go up to the Castle, where you might be taken for a spy." "Now, by my father's hand!" said the youth, "I taken for a spy! By Heaven, he shall brook cold iron that brands me with such a charge! But for my uncle's name, I care not who knows it it is Lesly. Lesly an honest and noble name."