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In June, Hawthorne went with his family to Leamington, of which he afterward published an account in the Atlantic Monthly, criticised at the time for the manner in which he referred to English ladies, as "covering a large area of Nature's foot-stool"; but this element in Hawthorne's English writing has already been considered.

A voice answered quietly: "You had fallen asleep. I regret to have waked you." "I was not asleep, Mr. Mardale." There was a pause and Mr. Mardale continued. "I cannot sleep to-night, I came for a book." "I know. For the book I took back to Leamington to-day, before I went to visit Mrs. Ripley's grave." There was a yet longer pause before Mr. Mardale spoke again.

The article which I am writing has taken its own course, and occupied itself almost wholly with country churches; whereas I had purposed to attempt a description of some of the many old towns Warwick, Coventry, Kenilworth, Stratford-on-Avon which lie within an easy scope of Leamington. And still another church presents itself to my remembrance.

On recovering he added: 'And now, Dombey, as you have invited Joe old Joe, who has no other merit, Sir, but that he is tough and hearty to be your guest and guide at Leamington, command him in any way you please, and he is wholly yours.

Where these quarters were, I think we have no right to ask, for I believe she had quarrelled with her brother at Molloyville, and besides, was a great deal too proud to be a burden on anybody. Not only did the widow quit Leamington, but very soon afterwards the 120th received its marching orders, and left Weedon and Warwickshire.

But the saint was scarcely canonised before his claims to beatitude were impugned. One year Lady Hampshire never quitted Leamington; another, she contrived to combine the infinitesimal doses of Hahnemann with the colossal distractions of the metropolis. Now her sole conversation was the water cure.

It is a melancholy of mine own, compounded of many simples, extracted from many objects, and indeed the sundry contemplation of my travels, in which my often rumination wraps me in a most humorous sadness. As You Like It I have on several occasions been to the Shakespeare country, approaching it from different directions, but each time I am set down at Leamington.

I a'bin to Wolverhampton, lass jolly row there and run over to Leamington; a'most broke my neck, faith, wi' a borrowed horse arter the dogs; ye would na care, Maud, if I broke my neck, would ye? Well, 'appen, jest a little, he good-naturedly supplied, as I was silent. 'Little over a week since I left here, by George; and to me it's half the almanac like; can ye guess the reason, Maud?

It is a permanent watering-place, a sort of institution to which I do not know any close parallel in American life: for such places as Saratoga bloom only for the summer-season, and offer a thousand dissimilitudes even then; while Leamington seems to be always in flower, and serves as a home to the homeless all the year round.

Truly, yours, In the course of several visits and stays of considerable length we acquired a homelike feeling towards Leamington, and came back thither again and again, chiefly because we had been there before.