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He could not bring himself to betray the fear which would become evident if he spoke of the woman. 'I think you had better go to my lawyer, he said. 'We don't want no lawyering. The plunder is yours, no doubt. Whether you'll have so much law on your side in other matters, that's the question. Crinkett did not in the least understand the state of his companion's mind.

When we want to come into Bombay here we sail under King George's flag, and when we're in company with the pirates we fly theirs. Any way, we've taken two Dutch ships and an English one since we got out here, and that's put money in our pockets, which is more than Captain Sims would have done with his lawyering." "And I suppose I am to be carried to Gheriah and given up to the pirates, like Mr.

Sure, an't they as good as man and wife all as one?" "That's it; they'll be fighting and tearing, and tatthering about that money, the two young men will, you'll see. There'll be lawyering, an' magisthrate's work an' factions an' fighthins at fairs; an' thin, as in course the Lynches can't hould their own agin the Kellys, there'll be undherhand blows, an' blood, an' murdher! you'll see else."

Due respec', Brother Scotton no lawyering none of that of them functions 'specially when it's infidels and ricks may be afire aught I know." Mr. Broad interposed. He quite understood Brother Bushel's ardour for the truth, but he was prepared to produce some simple corroboration of what he had affirmed, which would, he thought, satisfy Brother Scotton and the brethren generally. "Thomas," quoth Mr.

"I am going to study law with Judge Rawdon. My late experience has taught me its value. I do not think I shall loaf in his office." "Not if he is anywhere around. He works and makes others work. Lawyering is a queer business, but men can be honest in it if they want to." "And, grandmother," said Ethel, "my father says Tyrrel has a wonderful gift for public speaking.

This Puissant Prince was married to a lovely Princess whose name was Fair Freedom. She had brought him a large fortune, and had borne him an immense number of children, and had set them to spinning, and farming, and engineering, and soldiering, and sailoring, and doctoring, and lawyering, and preaching, and all kinds of trades.

"Nor is it," rejoined Mr. Carlyle, "with an extensive, first-class connection, such as ours. But you must remember that a good fortune was left me by my uncle, and a large one by my father." "I know. The proceeds of lawyering also." "Not altogether. My mother brought a fortune on her marriage, and it enabled my father to speculate successfully.

He would rise in his unlovely room at the Tuscarora House, leaden from insufficient sleep, to be buttonholed before he breakfasted sometimes, even before he dressed; this man must be placated, that threatened, the other convinced by reason; another must be visited in sickness, another found work, for yet another must gratuitous lawyering be done all this with jovial front and a camel's capacity for drink.

Don't you know that there's a big trial on? He couldn't tell without figuring up, if you should ask him quick, whether I'm fourteen or nineteen or nine! Mother wouldn't let me, anyhow, even if he could have any idea of what I was driving at. She never let us bother him the least bit when there was something big happening in his lawyering.

I wonder if he thought that we, with our brokering and our writing and our lawyering, dealt much with ideas! I remember one night when we sat up until three discussing the philosophy of prohibition over three bottles of port. I wonder how many other men have done the same thing! But five years ago no, it was six Hardy really told us a real story about himself.