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"Calling names won't do any good, Deborah," he said sadly; "we must do the best we can." "There ain't no chance of the lawr gettin' that woman to the gallers I 'spose, sir?" "The woman is your late master's lawful wife. Pash seems to think so and has gone over to the enemy" here Deborah clenched her mighty fists and gasped.

"Well, considering the girl found herself," said Calton, dryly, "the money is in the bank, and will remain there." "An' I'm to be done out of my 'ard earned tin, s'elp me?" howled the old fury. "Cuss ye, I'll 'ave the lawr of ye, and get ye put in quod." "You'll go there yourself if you don't take care," said Kilsip, in his soft, purring tones.

I'll 'ave the lawr of ye both, s'elp me, I will." Kilsip paid no attention to this outbreak of the old fury, but turned to the girl. "This is the gentleman who wants to speak to you," he said, gently, making the girl sit on the chair again, for indeed she looked too ill to stand. "Just tell him what you told me."

I'll 'ave the lawr of you." "I'll attend to that, my lad," said Hurd, dryly. "Now, then, where did you get that brooch?" "Sha'n't tell," snapped the boy, and put his tongue out. Hurd gave him a smack with an open hand on the side of his face, and Master Clump began to blubber. "Assalting me oh, won't you ketch it," he raged in his puny wrath.

"Lawr!" muttered Polly under her breath. "What's your business?" "Schoolmaster." "Come, don't lie to me," said Browne. "You are a sailor, or a captain maybe." This set the old fellow to trembling visibly, and Polly again said "Lawr!" loud enough for him to hear it and give her one fierce glance that quieted her. "Who said I was a sailor, sir?" "Captain Jackson."

If he hadn't gone to them furren parts he wouldn't be a corp now. But I'll have the lawr: you'll be hanged, you you " Braddock lost his patience under this torrent of unjust accusations and rushed towards Mrs. Bolton, dragging Cockatoo by the arm.

Her English was fair enough, as a general thing though, being of New York origin, she had the fashion peculiar to many natives of that city of pronouncing saw and law as if they were spelt sawr and lawr. Petroleum was the agent that had suddenly transformed the Gashlys from modest hard-working country village folk into "loud" aristocrats and ornaments of the city. The Hon.

And I wos, though she swore awful, saying she wanted gin an' jellies, an' could 'ave 'ad them, if that limb so did she name Tray, gentlemen both 'ad only 'anded to 'er the rich brooch he brought 'ome, just afore he went to earn a decent livin' at the lawr orfice, which 'is name is Pash " "Ha," said Hurd, thoughtfully, "I'll see the boy." "You can see him now," said Beecot, unexpectedly.

"Your name is not James Palmer, but Jim Lewis, Captain Jim Lewis of the Red Rose 'Black Jim, as everybody called you behind your back!" Here Poll broke out again with "Lawr!" while Sanford Browne paused, fairly choked with emotion. Then he began again in a low voice: "You thought I wouldn't know you. I've been watching out for you these ten years, to send you to hell with my own hands!

At last he planted himself before old Cappy, whose bronzed face under a new powdered wig produced a curious effect. "Where did you come from?" demanded the child, with awakened curiosity. The would-be schoolmaster started at this question, gazed a moment at the child, and said, "God!" between his teeth. "Lawr! 'e's one uv yer scholars, Cappy," said one of the women, in derision.