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Russ Latterman's out in the store, somewhere, and I can't get in touch with him." "What did you say it was?" she replied. "Fireworks, for the Peace Day trade. We want to get it on sale about the middle of the month." "This was a fine time to deliver them. Peace Day isn't till the Tenth of December. Put them down in the fireproof vault."

But he felt upon him such threatening eyes, that he dared not even make a gesture of denial. "Whatever you do will be satisfactory," he said in the tone of a man who sees himself lost. And, as he was going out of the door, M. de Tregars stepped into M. Latterman's private office. He remained only five minutes; and when he joined Maxence, whom he had begged to wait for him,

Grudgingly, he respected Russell Latterman's smartness, and in consequence, the ability of Wilton Joyner and Harvey Graves in selecting a good agent to plant in Pelton's store. Latterman gave a plausible impersonation of the Illiterate businessman, loyal Prime Minister of Pelton's commercial empire, Generalissimo in the perpetual war against Macy & Gimbel's.

As at M. Latterman's, there are clerks scribbling behind wire screens, small windows, a cashier, and an immense blackboard, on which the latest quotations of the Rente, and other French and foreign securities, are written in chalk.

The bourse had just closed; and a few groups were still standing in the square, or along the railings. "I hope we shall find this Latterman at home," said Maxence. "M. Latterman is engaged with a customer," answered a clerk. "Please sit down and wait." M. Latterman's office was like all other caverns of the same kind.

He even turned slightly pale, and took a step backwards, as if intending to return precipitately into the room that he was leaving; for M. Latterman's office, like that of all other large operators, had several doors, without counting the one that leads to the police-court. But M. de Tregars gave him no time to effect this retreat. Stepping suddenly forward,

When a man has, like him, two or three forgeries in his record, he is sure to speak. He will speak. Perhaps he has already done so, since the police has taken possession of Latterman's office, with whom I had organized the panic and the tumble in the Mutual Credit stock. What can we do to ward off this blow?" With a surer glance than her husband, Mme. de Thaller had measured the situation.

And there are actually buyers for these shares, and they go up or down, according to the ordinary laws of supply and demand; for there is a demand for them, and here comes in the usefulness of M. Latterman's business.

Graves knew about it, enough to advise Latterman to get all the Literates out of the store before noon, which Latterman did, with trimmings. "Then, there was another riot, masterminded by a couple of Illiterates' Organization Action Committee people named Joe West and Horace Yingling, both deceased. That was the result of Latterman's bright idea to trap Claire and/or me into betraying Literacy.