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There are many other important active sensor classes, three of which are active acoustics, lidar and magnetic anomaly detectors. The practical application of lidar is a relatively recent development enabled by advances in laser, power management, and data processing technologies. Lidar detects shape directly and shape fluctuations such as vibration and motion and has proven very hard to spoof.

Such a supervisor, or a brave IM worker, would have shot missiles of time consuming bureaucracy and lack of kindness at her and Gabriele's laser eyes would have needed to shoot them down gently, cordially, and politely. "I understand that someone with a Master's Degree from Rice University could be gainfully employed. I realize that there are professional jobs available to me.

The only place they could safely shoot us would be the passenger spokes, and that would take some pretty fine target shooting with only one laser bank. They could do it though," he said thoughtfully. "Assume, Mr. Blackhawk, that if they couldn't hit the passenger spokes, they'd be willing to destroy the wheel in order to gain control. Is there any way to prevent that?"

Then they brought me here, and kept me here for several days. "They soon learned that the plans I had weren't those they wanted, though what they were thin after I couldn't imagine. Only, from what I laser overheard, I knew they mistook me for you and that they were bitterly disappointed in not getting plans of some new airship you were working on.

Those were his secret orders; and he had the papers and the authority from Earth to back him up. And orders to shoot to kill without hesitation if those orders were questioned. Meantime, today's peacetime experiment would bring forcibly to the attention of Earth both the power for good and the power for destruction of the laser which he commanded.

"It ought to take care of the plastic at least, then." "Go right through it. You gonna laser Hot Rod?" "No. Just the anchor tubes that hold the mirror; and maybe a slash through the nitrogen tank at the back. Here, make me a bracket to fit these two things together, so I can see what I'm aiming at." He handed the theodolite telescope and the laser milling-head to Paul.

Back then, resigned to the fact that she needed assistance so that she might continue with her contemplation of life, she went into the New York Department of Social Services with him in a bassinet. She discovered how her laser beams went through bullet proof glass separating the intake workers from the waiting area and seemed to set fire to the cubicles housing the IM workers.

In the meantime, no function could be initiated within the laser system by anyone other than the Security control officer at Thule Base on Earth. Hot Rod was secured, and its crew were taking turns at the lock to make the life-saving run back to the flare-shield area in the hub of Lab One.

Even if he couldn't be a space pirate, it gave him the feel. Humming to himself, he aimed the search beam from the tiny gallium-arsenide laser crystal that was the heart of the gun at the bulky object, and read off the dial at the back of the "barrel" the two meter/second approach velocity and the twenty-eight meter distance.

They now produce over a million for less than a penny apiece. New laser techniques could revolutionize heart bypass surgery, cut diagnosis time for viruses linked to cancer from weeks to minutes, reduce hospital costs dramatically, and hold out new promise for saving human lives. Our automobile industry has overhauled assembly lines, increased worker productivity, and is competitive once again.