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Soon the other princes and inhabitants of the city cried aloud: "O Yaroslav Lasarevich, cease killing and slaying! It is the will of fate live with us and rule over our land!" But Yaroslav replied: "Choose a Tsar from among yourselves: I am no Tsar for you."

Then Yaroslav fell on the ground and said: "Sir Knight Raslanei, pardon me for having offended thee!" And the Knight's Head answered: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, thy youth and want of understanding have made thee speak thus. Thou hast taken my sword indeed; but even with this thou mayest still lose thy life; nevertheless, I wish thee well, and will teach thee understanding.

Ivashka returned to the kingdom of Kartaus, to Yaroslav's father and mother, and carried the tidings that he was well. The parents rejoiced greatly to hear of their son, and dismissed Ivashka with rich presents. But Yaroslav Lasarevich rode on and on, for two and for three months, until at last he came to a field where an immense army lay slain.

Yaroslav Lasarevich was greatly rejoiced, and said to his son: "Hast thou been to visit my brother-in-law, Prince Ivan the Russian Knight?" And young Yaroslav gave a letter likewise from him to his father, in which was written as follows: "To the mighty Tsar of Tsars, and Knight of Knights, my elder brother Yaroslav Lasarevich, hearty greetings!

And Yaroslav, the father, aimed at him the sharp point of his lance, and was about to kill him; but young Yaroslav seized the lance with his right hand, and the precious stone sparkled on his finger. Then Yaroslav Lasarevich exclaimed: "Whence comest thou, boy? Whose son art thou, and what is thy name?"

Sila Tsarevich lived with his father two years; then he returned to the kingdom of King Salom, received from him the crown, and ruled over the country with his Queen Truda in great love and happiness. In a certain country lived a Tsar named Kartaus, who had twelve knights, and the Tsar had a chief over these knights, Prince Lasar Lasarevich.

Then Yaroslav delivered to his father another letter, from the knight, Sir Raslanei, which ran as follows: "I, the great Tsar Raslanei Prochorovich, to my younger brother, the great Tsar and powerful knight, Yaroslav Lasarevich, send hearty greetings!

I am come to pay my compliments to thee, and to behold thy unspeakable beauty." At hearing this the Tsarevna Polikaria was rejoiced, took him by his white hands, led him into the royal halls, and said: "Sir Yaroslav Lasarevich, abide here and rule over my kingdom, and thy will shall be my will."

Then Yaroslav took leave of his parents, and Prince Lasar and his wife wept bitterly at parting with their son, and gave him their blessing. So Yaroslav Lasarevich rode until he came to the marble palace on the seashore.

Then they mounted their steeds and rode to the city of Dobri, where they found all the people in lamentation, for the Tsar Vorcholomei was dead. But the people recognised the knights, and bowed before them and said: "Hail, our Lord Yaroslav Lasarevich with your noble son! Our Tsar has left the dominion of our kingdom to thee."