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With eyes closed he would run this film again and again, cutting here, rearranging sequences, adding trims from suddenly remembered meals of the dead past, devising more intimate close-ups, such as the one of Metta withdrawing pies from the oven or smoothing hot chocolate caressingly over the top of a giant cake, or broiling chops, or saying in a large-lettered subtitle artistically decorated with cooked foods "How about some hot coffee, Merton?"

It has pleased me to see her lie among the silk cushions of the middle, while I, paddling, taught her her first words and sentences between the hours of eight and ten in the evening, though later they became 10 A.M. to noon, when the reading began, we sitting on the palace-steps before the portal, her mouth invariably well covered with the yashmak, the lesson-book being a large-lettered old Bible found at her yali.

In March the white-throated and white-crowned sparrows may be seen, hopping about on the flower-beds or peering slyly from the evergreens. The robin hops about freely upon the grass, notwithstanding the keepers large-lettered warning, and at intervals, and especially at sunset, carols from the treetops his loud, hearty strain.

It has quaint old houses, and shops with pea green shutters, over which flaunt crazy, large-lettered signs that it could have entered into the heart of none but a Frenchman to devise.

A revolving body is not hindered, but the same impulse which begot its movement causes this perpetually to return into itself. Now the principles that are seen to govern the material universe are but a large-lettered display of those that rule in perfect humanity.

Some years before, it is true, he had been drawn to the life by a government poster, designed by one who must himself have been a capable dramatist. "Join the Army and See the World," urged the large-lettered legend above the picture. The latter revealed an entrancing tropical scene with graceful palms adorning the marge of a pinkly sun-kissed sea.

I seem to dread the advertisements the large-lettered 'Currer Bell's New Novel, or 'New Work, by the Author of Jane Eyre. These, however, I feel well enough, are the transcendentalisms of a retired wretch; so you must speak frankly. . . . I shall be glad to see 'Colonel Esmond. My objection to the second volume lay here: I thought it contained decidedly too much history too little story."

Indeed, that potent tongue of hers can almost make the dead alive any day, and the creative lick of the old Scandinavian mother cow is only a large-lettered rendering of the commonest facts. The horse belongs to the fiery god Mars. He favors war, and is one of its oldest, most available, and most formidable engines.

Had it put on airs and spread itself out into the broad-margined and large-lettered octavo, it might have stood in libraries as a worthy compeer of the ablest chronicles. Such a presentation would not have been beyond its desert, and would have been more consistent with the author's type of mind.