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"He's a nervy one see her stay up!" said the officer of the deck, who was standing beside the wheel, and had glasses on the periscope. And then, hurriedly: "I don't like the looks of her, captain it looks like a phony periscope to me as if there was a mine under it!" "To hell with her ram her anyway!" snapped Lanahan. The deck officer had not once taken the glasses off the periscope.

Lanahan was there the hell-with-her-ram-her-anyway Lanahan and we all just naturally turned him over to Lanahan, who had west-of-Ireland forebears, and never did believe in letting any Englishman put anything across nothing like that anyway. "You never read much, I take it, of our history?" says Lanahan. "Your history? My dear chap, I had hard work keeping up with my own." "No doubt.

Suddenly he let drop his glasses, grabbed the wheel and pulled it hard toward him. Lanahan had stepped to the wing of the bridge and was leaning far out to get a glimpse of the U-boat. What he saw beneath him as his ship scraped by was not a U-boat, but a great white mine. He watched it slide safely past the bridge, past his quarter, past his stern.

He is a quick-thinking, quick-acting man named well, say Lanahan. He was one day on the bridge of his ship when the lookout shouted: "Periscope!" "Charge her!" yelled out Lanahan. Away they went hooked-up for the periscope, which everybody could now see about 200 yards ahead.

And here" Lanahan held up his glass "here's to the memory of dead heroes may they always be preferred to crawling reptiles when it comes to naming our fighting ships!" After the other fellow had gone Lanahan turned to us. "Say, fellows, I know I got Paul Jones and Barry and McDonough right, but how near was I on Davey Jones and Conyngham? Something tells me I got their histories mixed."