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Lacelles Scott, of England, nearly lost his life experimenting with it in 1904. A small fraction of a grain gives off vapor sufficient to kill a human being instantly." "Had you known about this stuff, Average?" asked Bertram. "No, I'd never beard of it. But from its action and from the lettered cabinet, I judged that " "This is all very well," broke in Mr.

That particular king from Orion had a rather odd sort of earthly tenement." Thirlstone was all interest. "A philosophic Whig and the throne of Byzantium. A pretty rum mixture! And yet yet," and his eyes became abstracted. "Did you ever know Tommy Lacelles?" "The man who once governed Deira? Retired now, and lives somewhere in Kent. Yes, I've met him once or twice. But why?"

The party was thus composed: Frank Lacelles Jardine, Leader; Alexander Jardine, Archibald J. Richardson, Government Surveyor; C. Scrutton, R. N. Binney, A. Cowderoy, Eulah, Peter, Sambo and Barney, black boys from the districts of Rockhampton and Wide Bay; 41 picked horses and 1 mule, all in good order and condition.

Lascelles, Lady Hilliars, and two or three more fine ladies and gentlemen, besides Euphemia and Miss Beaufort, who, with pensive countenances, were waiting the arrival of its writer. When Miss Dundas took the billet off the silver salver on which her man presented it, and looked at the superscription, she threw it into the lap of Lacelles. "There," cried she, "is an excuse, I suppose, from Mr.