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Lord Kilspindie gave him a free house and fields, and one way or other, Drumsheugh told me, the doctor might get in about L150 a year, out of which he had to pay his old housekeeper's wages and a boy's, and keep two horses, besides the cost of instruments and books, which he bought through a friend in Edinburgh with much judgment.

But our objector will still want to have explained to him where the L150,000,000 sterling required in England annually comes from.

This is mainly invested in the Colonies and India; New Zealand and Australia taking large shares. It is certain that if the United States were under Queen Victoria the amount of English capital invested there would be far greater than at present. As far as England is concerned this L150,000,000 a year is a tribute paid her by the rest of the world.

Sir J. Murray stated in the House of Commons, in 1828, that the carriage of a twenty-four pound cannon cost between L150 and L200 sterling. Ermatinger states that eighteen bushels of wheat were required to pay for one barrel of salt, and that one bushel of wheat would no more than pay for one yard of cotton.

This would require all their L240,000 sterling a-year, regular contribution, her Majesty's contingent of L140,000, and an extra sum of L150,000 sterling. Of this sum the States requested her Majesty should furnish two-thirds, while they agreed to furnish the other third, which would make in all L240,000 for the Queen, and L290,000 for the States.

Thomas Watts, offered to the British Museum for L150. George Brinley for 150 guineas. At the Brinley sale, in March, 1878, it was bought by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt for $1200, or more than three times the cost of my first copy to Mr. Lenox." We hear the expression of a book being "worth its weight in gold." Vanderbilt paid at least seven times its weight in gold for his precious book.

I think those having above L150 a year possess more than the necessaries for healthful existence; looking therefore to the equity and productiveness of the tax, I suggested remission to those earning less than L3 a week. The Wealth of Nations is a well-considered title.

'YOURS received, and am surprized you should use me in this manner, as have never seen any of your cash, unless for one linsey-woolsey coat, and your bill now is upwards of L150. Consider, sir, how often you have fobbed me off with your being shortly to be married to this lady and t'other lady; but I can neither live on hopes or promises, nor will my woollen-draper take any such in payment.

Amber, L150 Coral, L50 Mock coral, L50 White garnets, L50 Red garnets Red beads Black points, L50 Piccadoes Gold beads Small black beads, L50 White ditto Yellow ditto 5 Double-barrelled guns. 5 Pairs of ditto pistols. 5 Swords with belts. Small mirrors. Knives. Scissors. Spectacles, Dollars. "A brief account of the manner in which Mr. Park proposes to carry the plans of Government into execution.

This would require all their L240,000 sterling a-year, regular contribution, her Majesty's contingent of L140,000, and an extra sum of L150,000 sterling. Of this sum the States requested her Majesty should furnish two-thirds, while they agreed to furnish the other third, which would make in all L240,000 for the Queen, and L290,000 for the States.