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"No, you'd rather go on lifting 250 pounds through two feet, an average of 500 foot-pounds, practically 62 kilowatts of wasted power. Do you know that by merely hitching a pulley to the back of your neck you could generate enough power to light your whole office?" We hung our heads. Simple as the thing was, we had never thought of it. "Very good," said the Stranger.

These three rays composed the beam which Seaton directed upon the mass of metal from which the enemy had elected to continue the battle and behind each ray, instead of the small energy at the command of its Osnomian inventor, were the untold millions of kilowatts developed by a one-hundred-pound bar of disintegrating copper!

Assuming that the test is to be of six hours' duration, and that the conditions of load fluctuations upon the station are well known, the first step to take is to select a period for the test during which the total load upon all machines is not likely to fall below, say, 8000 kilowatts.

He went back to the grid's control room. He pushed it open and entered for the second time. The red-headed man swore and rubbed at his hand. The man who'd smiled unpleasantly lay in a heap on the floor. The second unshaven man jittered visibly at sight of Hoddan. "I'm back," said Hoddan politely, "for more kilowatts."

Theirs was a strictly local view. In high official quarters the feeling was quite different. The reaction there was more like paralyzed horror. Fran was known to be behind the breakdown of the plant. He'd caused it by trying to tap its lines for a monstrous amount of power. He'd been trying to signal to so great a distance that tens of thousands of kilowatts were required.

Do you pay for it by the kilowatt, or how is it measured?" "We ask for so many watts or kilowatts, and it is also measured by the watt hour. But are you serious in asking if we pay for it?" "Why, you surely do not mean it is given away," exclaimed the doctor, "after all the expense connected with producing and transmitting it."

There is an electric generating station abaft the main engine room containing four turbo-generators each of 375 kilowatts capacity. There are more than 5,000 electric lights and every room is connected by an electric push-bell. There is a telephone exchange through which one can be connected with any department of the vessel.

The vacuum at the tail will assure us a very rapid circulation, even if the centrifugal pump action of the enclosed generator isn't enough." His thoughts began moving more rapidly than his words. "We'll want the generator greatly over power to run tests over a greater range. Won't need more than one hundred kilowatts altogether, but should install about a thousand A.C., of course.

Therefore, all that remains to be done to insure a perfectly steady load equal to the normal full load of the machine, or 6000 kilowatts, is to fix the main throttle or governing valve in such a position that the steam passing through at constant pressure is just capable of sustaining full speed under the load required.

At the end of 1909 the New York Edison Company alone was operating twenty-eight stations and substations, having a total capacity of 159,500 kilowatts. Connected with its lines were approximately 85,000 customers wired for 3,813,899 incandescent lamps and nearly 225,000 horse-power through industrial electric motors connected with the underground service.