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Having heard tales of those semi-intelligent animals the most intelligent native creatures of Khatka most of which were concerned with their more malignant characteristics, Dane was alarmed. That lurker could be an advance scout of some pack. And a pack of rock apes, if able to surprise their prey, were formidable opponents. Asaki stirred, sat up.

On Khatka every boy before he becomes a man must learn to navigate the jungle, and with no instruments to help him, only what lies in here." He touched his thumb to his forehead. "So through generations we have developed our homing instincts. Those who did not, also did not live to father others who might have had the same lack.

"I'll say that any stew which was too hot for that Ranger to handle might give us burned fingers and quick. When we land on Khatka, walk softly and look over your shoulder, and be prepared for the worst." Lightning played along the black ridges above them, and below was a sheer drop to a river which was only a silver thread.

I believe Captain Jellico expects me." "Yes, sir!" Dane snapped to attention. So this was the Chief Ranger from fabulous Khatka, Xecho's sister planet. The other ascended the cat ladder easily, missing no detail of the ship's interior as he passed. His expression was still one of polite interest as his guide rapped on the panel door of Jellico's cabin.

But as long as we drink this water we're going to continue to have trouble; I feel safe in promising that," Tau replied. He put the vial of doctored purifier into a separate pocket of his medical kit. "It may be a problem of how long we can go without water." "Perhaps," Asaki said softly. "Only not all the water on Khatka comes running in streams." "Fruit?" Tau asked. "No, trees.

"We are invited to visit Khatka and survey a new hunting range as Chief Ranger Asaki's personal term guests." Dane drew a deep breath of wonder. Guest rights on Khatka were jealously guarded they were too valuable to their owners to waste. Whole families lived on the income from the yearly rental of even half a one.

He had no reason to believe Jellico was willing to agree to this. "You have two weeks' planet-side leave coming, Thorson. If you want to spend it on Khatka...." Jellico actually grinned then. "I take it that you do. When do we up-ship, sir?" "You said that you must wait for the return of your other crew members shall we say mid-afternoon tomorrow?"

A child plays as a child, so " Tau's voice came in a rumble, but Tau was gone. The huge, hairy thing which swayed in his place turned a gorilla's beast visage to his enemy. For a breathless moment Terran ape confronted Khatkan lion. Then the spaceman was himself again. "The time for games is over, man of Khatka. You have tried to hunt us to our deaths, have you not?

"Which was good for Khatka but ill for Lumbrilo and those using him to make mischief here. The poacher and the outlaw Hunters will meet with our justice, which I do not believe they will relish. But the other two, the spaceman and the company agent, are to be sent to Xecho to face Combine authorities.

So we make them gifts." He laughed, evidently recalling some incident. "Sometimes, perhaps, we are too eager. Most of our visitors who wish to make tri-dees want to picture big game graz, amplet, rock apes, lions " "Lions?" echoed Dane. "Not Terran lions, no. But my people, when they landed on Khatka, found a few animals that reminded them of those they had always known.