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Supper entered accordingly, borne in by Joceline and Phoebe, and after it, leaning on a huge knotty stick, and having his nose in the air like a questing hound for his attention was apparently more fixed on the good provisions that went before him, than any thing else came Master Kerneguy, and seated himself, without much ceremony, at the lower end of the table.

"Be that," answered the knight, "as he and you will I think Joceline will scarce shut the door in thy face, or Bevis growl as he did after poor Louis Kerneguy. Nay, no more raptures, but good-night, Mark, good-night; and if thou art not tired with the fatigue of yesterday why, if you appear here at seven in the morning, I think we must bear with your company on the Kingston road."

"What do you here," said he, entering, "sitting like two crows in a mist, when we have such rare sport below? Here is this wild crack-brained boy Louis Kerneguy, now making me laugh till my sides are fit to split, and now playing on his guitar sweetly enough to win a lark from the heavens. Come away with you, come away. It is hard work to laugh alone."

So saying, he stepped forward on the esplanade, and bowed to Wildrake. "Master Louis Kerneguy," said Wildrake, pulling off his hat; but instantly discovering his error, he added, "But no I beg your pardon, sir Fatter, shorter, older. Mr. Kerneguy's friend, I suppose, with whom I hope to have a turn by and by. And why not now, sir, before our principals come up?

"True, sir," said Albert, hastily interfering; "but Master Kerneguy had the better right to speak at present, that I have been absent on his business as well as my own, have seen several of his friends, and bring him important intelligence."

"We dare not let your father into the secret who Louis Kerneguy really is. I did but hint the possibility of Charles taking refuge at Woodstock, and the rapture into which Sir Henry broke out, the preparations for accommodation and the defence which he began to talk of, plainly showed that the mere enthusiasm of his loyalty would have led to a risk of discovery.

I am the daughter of Sir Henry Lee, sir; you are, or profess to be, Master Louis Kerneguy, my brother's page, and a fugitive for shelter under my father's roof, who incurs danger by the harbour he affords you, and whose household, therefore, ought not to be disturbed by your unpleasing importunities."

"In King James's time, indeed, I have appeared in the tilt-yard, and there you might have said 'You saw young Harry with his beaver up. "As to seeing old Harry, why" Here the knight paused, and looked as a bashful man in labour of a pun "As to old Harry why, you might as well see the devil. You take me, Master Kerneguy the devil, you know, is my namesake ha ha ha!

Nevertheless, lest this person's occasional presence at the Lodge, which there were perhaps no means to prevent without exciting suspicion, should infer danger to the King's person, Rochecliffe, whatever confidence he otherwise reposed in him, recommended that, if possible, the King should keep always out of his sight, and when accidentally discovered, that he should only appear in the character of Louis Kerneguy.

"Nay, then," said the attendant, "I must fetch those who have more influence with you than I have," and away tripped Phoebe; while Kerneguy answered Everard in the same provoking tone of calm indifference, "Before you menace me with a thing so formidable as your resentment, you ought to be certain whether I may not be compelled by circumstances to deny you the opportunity you seem to point at."