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General Alten and Sir James Kempt took up their quarters with us in the chateau: our sentries and those of the enemy stood within pistol-shot of each other in the ravine below.

But scarcely had the oars caught the water when around the promontory came a large man-o'-war's launch, a rapid-fire gun mounted on her bows. She was manned by about twenty men in Russian police uniform. "From the 'tramp," commented Alan excitedly. "And her gun is trained on us." "Get down to work!" shouted Jack to the straining oarsmen. "No use!" groaned Kempt.

I must consult Captain Kempt on that point." "Thank you, Madam, I shall be here this time to-morrow." PRINCE IVAN LERMONTOFF came to consider the explosion one of the luckiest things that had ever occurred in his workshop. Its happening so soon after he reached St.

He was remarkably handsome, or rather would have been but for the thinness of his lips, and a look of too great firmness and inflexibility. His features were a good deal like those of Leonardo da Vinci; moreover he was kempt, looked in vigorous health, and was of a ruddy countenance.

I was brought back like a criminal, was sent as a prisoner to the barracks, there kept in the chamber of Lieutenant Blonket, with orders that I should be suffered to write to no one, speak to no one, without a ticket from the counsellors Kempt or Huttner. Thus I remained six weeks; at length, the colonel of the regiment of Poniatowsky, the present field-marshal, Count Alton, spoke to me.

And now all the yachts and other craft on the waters flaunted their lines of fire, and the whole Bay was illuminated like a lake in Fairyland. "Now," said Captain Kempt with a chuckle, "watch the Britisher.

Captain Kempt was nodding to this one and that of his numerous acquaintances, and Katherine felt Dorothy shrink a little closer to her as a tall, unknown young man deftly threaded his way among the people, making directly for the Captain, whom he seized by the hand in a grasp of the most cordial friendship. "Captain Kempt, I am delighted to meet you again.

It was I who suggested that we should throw a shell, and then rush the entrance in the confusion." Captain Kempt threw up his hands in a gesture of despair.

The girls were not discussing the past, but rather anticipating the future; forecasting it, with long, silent pauses intervening. "So you will not stay with us? You are determined to turn your wealthy back on the poor Kempt family?" Katherine was saying. "But I shall return to the Kempt family now and then, if they will let me. I must get away for a time and think.

"Kate, dear," she said, "you shall wear the grandest ball dress that ever was seen in Bar Harbor." "How dare you call my sister Kate, and talk such nonsense?" demanded Sabina. "I shall always call you Miss Kempt, and now, if I have your permission, I will sit down. I am tired." "Yes, and hungry, too," cried Katherine. "What shall I get you, Dorothy? This is all cold."