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He dried her eyes and kissed her. "There is nothing to make you afraid," he said. "Haven't I sworn to love and cherish you?" She nestled to him with a sigh. "It was very nice of you, Trevor," she said. Her spirits revived during her motor-ride to Kellerton. The renovations there were in full swing. One portion of the house had been already made habitable for them.

When next heard of, he was gaining a meagre subsistence by writing theatrical puffs, employment for which he was indebted to the kindness of a certain influential actress named Kellerton. In the mean time Susan returned from her unhappy wanderings; and her mother's family, seizing upon her like wolves, hid her from the world in their den.

Yes, let's do that, shall we? I always did think honeymoons were rather silly, didn't you?" He smiled in spite of himself. "I daresay they are from some points of view. It is settled, then St. Swithin's Day?" She nodded. "Yes. And we will go straight to Kellerton afterwards, and work like niggers. It won't matter a bit then whether it rains or not. And Noel can spend his holidays with us and help.

Kellerton is home to him, you know." "Oh, very well! Jump in," said Mordaunt, with resignation. "Are you going to sit beside me?" "Of course we are. We can see better in front. Oh, Trevor, I am horrid. I quite forgot to thank you for that lovely, lovely ring. I'm wearing it round my neck, because I had to wash Cinders this morning, and I was afraid of hurting it. I've never worn a ring before.

But this was a condition not obtainable. Aunt Philippa had decided to remain some little time longer at Kellerton Old Park in consequence of an engagement having fallen through, a state of affairs that Noel regarded with a disgust too forcible to be expressed in words, and which had driven Max away within three days of his arrival.

Mordaunt, how is Kellerton Old Park by this time? I hardly recognized it the day I called. Rupert tells me you have worked wonders inside as well as out." "May I introduce our friend Monsieur Bertrand?" said Chris. Bertrand brought his heels together and bowed low over the limp hand transferred to his. Mrs. Pouncefort smiled. "There is a fellow-countryman of yours here. Where has he gone?

He paused a moment; then: "By and bye," he said, "Rupert will take on the management of the Kellerton estate, and I think he will probably be a great help to me." Chris's eyes shot upwards in amazement. "Trevor! Not really?" He smiled a little. "Yes, really. It is the sort of life that suits him best; and he will be pretty busy, so it ought to keep him out of mischief."

"I see you are going to spoil them right and left. They will simply live on you if you do that. You won't find yourself master in your own house." "No?" said Mordaunt, with a smile. Chris was coming towards him. He rose to meet her. "Oh, Trevor," she said eagerly, "I can go down to Kellerton with you to-morrow, and Max has written to say he will join us there. I am so glad he can get away.

"P'raps," admitted Chris, without enthusiasm. "But she is sure to want a big show, Trevor." "Leave that to me," he said. "I promise you shall not have that. We will get it done early, and we will be at Kellerton for luncheon." Her eyes shone. "How lovely! And the boys, too and Bertie?" He surveyed the eager face for a few seconds in silence.

About this time Miss Kellerton returned, and played a brilliant engagement. I accompanied Horatio one evening to witness her fourth appearance in a new play, which had taken the theatrical portion of the city by storm. The play-house was packed from top to bottom. We had our seats in the orchestra, where we enjoyed a view of both actors and audience, and a cool breeze from behind the scenes.