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The Tyrhenians, says he, never scourge their slaves, but by the sound of flutes, looking upon it as an instance of humanity to give some counterpoise to pain, and thinking by such a diversion to lessen the sum total of the punishment. To this account may be added a passage from Jul.

For a similar use of the word in the expression of a similar sentiment, see Suet. Jul. 67: Delicta neque observabat omnia neque pro modo exsequebatur. Compare our word execute. And mark the sentiment, as a maxim in the science of government. Severitatem commodare. W. with Dr. and R. make this an example of zeugma. So Wr.

Fran. I say, Peace thou over-grown Turk. Guz. Thou Spanish Cur. Fran. Why, you're a Mahometan Bitch, and you go to that. Guz. Death, I'll dissect the bald-pated Slave. Fran. I defy thee, thou foul filthy Cabbage-head, for I am mad, and will be valiant. Car. What Insolence is this! Mutes strangle him. Jul. Mercy, dread Sir, I beg my Husband's life. Car.

The same; may I not speak with Clara? Jac. Come in, she's here. Car. Jac. I'll see if I can bring her. Enter Francisco. Fran. A proud ungracious Flirt, a Lord with a Pox! here's a fine business, i'faith, that she should be her own Carver, well I'll home, and thunder her together with a vengeance. Car. Enter Julia. Fran. Hum, what have we here, a Woman? Jul. Heavens! what, not gone yet, my Dear?

"The hour for the Maccabee, indeed," Costobarus ruminated. "And the hour for Him whom we all expect," Philip added in a low tone. Costobarus bowed his head. Presently he drew a scroll from the folds of his ample robe. "Hear what Philadelphus writes me: Cæsarea, II Kal. Jul. To Costobarus, greetings and these by messenger; I learn on arriving in this city that Judea is in truth no man's country.

There was but one voice at home on the point whether Fleda should go. So she went. Host. Now, my young guest! methinks you're allycholy; I pray you why is it? Jul. Marry, mine host, because I cannot be merry. Some nights after their arrival, the doctor and Fleda were seated at tea in the little snug old-fashioned back parlour, where the doctor's nicest of housekeepers, Mrs.

The Governor! the worst Great Turk of all; so, I am cozened, most rarely cheated; why, what a horrid Plot's here carried on, to bring in heretical Cuckoldom? Car. Well, Sir, since you have found it out, I'll own my Passion. Jul. Well, if I have been kind you forced me to't, nay, begged on your knees, to give my self away. Fran.

What if he be? we ought to make him a visit too, who so kindly sent for us to Cadiz. Fran. How! Make a visit to the Governor? What have I to do with the Governor, or what have you to do with the Governor? you are no Soldier, Love. As for a Visit to your Aunt, there's some reason in't; but for the Governor, think no more upon him, I say no more. Jul.

Send him! I'll answer no such idle questions. Fran. Jul. I say you're an old jealous Fool; have I seen Don Carlos, or heard from Don Carlos, or sent to Don Carlos? here's a-do indeed. Fran.

Rom. and Jul., I., iii., 76, "Why, he's a man of wax," where Dr. Steevens happily compared Horace's "cerea Telephi brachia." The old spelling for "bawbles." "Slug. A ship which sails badly." Halliwell. I cannot recall another instance of the use of the word in this sense. In the day-time it was placed under the principal or "high" bed: at night it was drawn out to the foot of the larger bed. Vid.