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Swine, that you are Judases, who have sold a good cause for dirty money! How much did you get? Five and twenty kroner, eh? And out there they are loyally starving, so that all of us yes, you too can live a little more like human beings in the future!" "You hold your jaw!" said the big smith. "You've no wife and children you can easily talk!"

For even the gold-laced Judases who had sold him to the English, the marshals and princes, had loved him at some time or other. But this man had never loved the Emperor. General Feraud had said so distinctly. General D'Hubert felt an inward blow in his chest.

And men of evil passions and selfish ambitions are quick on both sides to make the struggle of old and new ideals a handle for their own indulgence or their own advancement; the Pharisees and the Judases between them make the Advent in some of its aspects a sorry spectacle.

After giving up the old custom as a Popish rite, what a blight idea to revive it in this new shape, and to give the boys something to carry about, bang, blow up, and make a final bonfire of, and all in the Protestant interest! There was another thing to be noticed about the Judases.

The first sight of these pasteboard Judases convinced us of one thing, that we had unexpectedly come upon the old custom, of which our processions and burning of Guy Fawkes in England are merely an adaptation.

People from the village had been taken on, and he remembered seeing peasants' carts at the embankment. Why had he been driven away? It was quite clear that some one wished to shut him out. 'Curse the Judases, they're outdoing the Jews, he muttered and felt a horror of the Germans for the first time. He told his wife briefly that there was no work, and betook himself to the settlement.

So faithful a vassal must never be parted from his Prince, for inasmuch as he hated Sidonia, so he loved and praised him. They were like the two Judases in Scripture, of whom some one had said, "What one gave to the devil, the other brought back to God."

"I thought you were serious," he smiled, yet showing his distaste for the subject, "nor will I permit any gossiping here!" "But, Heavens, Daddy " "My dear," he interrupted her, "I trust you will never learn to gossip. It is purely a trade, carried on by a breed of fawning Judases of self-satisfied butchers, to deal in the choicest cuts of their unsuspecting friends' characters.

But the half dozen I had taken off Argall's hands; the Dutchmen who might have been own brothers to those two Judases, Adam and Francis; the thief and the highwayman I had bought from the precious crew sent us by the King the year before; the negro and the Indians small wonder that she shrank and cowered. It was but for a moment.

"Well, anyhow, those miserable men things around that stove just smiled at Uncle Tony like so many Judases and all commenced talking at once. But Mrs. Dustin didn't give them much chance. She just took up all Uncle Tony's attention and time.