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"Is the man to die or be saved? Speak swiftly." Juanna glanced through the opening and saw that now Leonard's head and shoulders had vanished down the oubliette, while one of the priests held him by the ankles, watching Soa for the sign to let him fall. "Loose him," said Juanna faintly. "I will marry Olfan." Stepping forward, Nam whispered to Soa, who issued another order.

I say to you, Juanna, put your trust in God, the God of the fatherless and oppressed, who will avenge your wrongs and forgive me. Let water be brought, that I may consecrate it water and a ring." "Here, take this one," said Pereira, lifting Leonard's signet ring from the pile of gold. "I give it back for a luck-penny." And he tossed the ring to the priest.

I have seen the snow-bridge and the stones, and the nicks which the dwarf cut in the ice. All is just as you told me, and it only remains for me to congratulate you upon having escaped from the strangest series of dangers that ever I heard of"; and he held out his hand, which both Leonard and Juanna shook warmly.

"Yes, I suppose so, dear, if you like," he answered, feeling dully that it was better to make a clean breast of the matter at once, and thus to prevent future misunderstandings. Juanna took the letter and perused it twice, by which time she knew it as well as she did the Lord's Prayer, nor did she ever forget a single word of it. Then she handed it back to the lawyer, saying nothing.

"Get back," he said sternly, "or " and he lifted the great spear. "Oh! Shepherdess," she wailed, "take me with you, Shepherdess, for I cannot live without you." "Tell her to go away," said Juanna, recognising the voice; "I never want to see her any more." "You hear, Soa," answered Leonard. "Stay, how has it gone yonder? Speak truly."

That all these airs and graces might have a tragic effect upon Francisco never occurred to her till too late. Well, for once the order of things was changed; Leonard and Juanna sat side by side in the first boat.

The only thing that troubles me is a doubt whether we ought to take Juanna into such a place. But really I do not know but what it would be as dangerous to go back as to proceed: those gentlemen with the poisoned arrows may have recovered from their fear of firearms by now." "I wish we had nothing worse than the Hereafter to fear," said Francisco with a sigh.

"You cannot unless I go too," he answered smiling. "You are wrong there," Juanna replied defiantly. "I can, and what is more, I will, and Soa shall guide me. It is you who cannot go without me that is, if Soa tells the truth. "For good or evil we are yoked together in this matter, Mr. Outram, so it is useless for us to try to pull different ways.

But all this while Leonard and Juanna saw little of each other, though they met often enough. On this particular occasion, however, it chanced that they were journeying in the same boat, alone, except for the rowers.

"That was well done, Otter," said Leonard, "and I am not ashamed to have done it, for these devils kicked me when I was bound. Now we are armed, and have the keys. What next?" Just then Otter sprang to his feet, crying, "Look out, Baas; here are more." Leonard glanced up to see, and behold! the second door in the cell was opened, and through it came Juanna, Olfan, Nam, Soa, and three other men.