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"This heaven, that's inhabited by twelve gods, turns it self into as many figures; and now 'tis Aries: He that's born under that sign has much cattle, much wooll, and to that a jolt-head, a brazen-face, and will be certainly a cuckold: There are many scholars, advocates, and horned beasts, come into the world under this sign.

Right opposite me was the rector, a gross, sack-faced, ignorant jolt-head, jowled like a pig and dew-lapped like an ox. Nature had meant him for a butcher, but, being a by-blow of a great house, a discerning patron had diverted him bishopward.

Sancho could not forbear smiling to hear his master call the barber's basin a helmet, and, had not his fear dashed his mirth, he had certainly laughed outright. "What does the fool grin at now?" cried Don Quixote. "I laugh," said he, "to think what a hugeous jolt-head he must needs have had who was the owner of this same helmet, that looks for all the world like a barber's basin."

"And a noodle and a jolt-head; you're a jobbernowl and a doodle, a maundering mooncalf and a blockheaded numps, a gaby and a loon; you're a Hatter!" I shrieked the last epithet. "Heavens!" he cried, "A Hatter! Am I as bad as that?" "Oh, come now," I said, closing the Thesaurus with a bang. "Have some regard for my position, won't you?" I had resolved to appeal to his better nature.

"What d'ye want to come back 'ere for, upsettin' Jin like this'n?" he blurted. "What the blazes have I done to upset Jin?" I asked. "Why didna y' bring 'er back wi' ye, then?" "Who's her, you jolt-head?" I demanded angrily. "That leddy o' yourn. Jin's that upset 'er wunna luk at me, an' we wor gettin' on fine." It was no use talking to Joe.