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One examination day the minister attended to open the inspection with prayer. Just as he was finishing, a scholar entered who had a reputation for dirt. "Michty!" cried a little pupil, as his opening eyes fell on the apparition at the door, "there's Jocky Tamson wi' his face washed!" When the dominie was a younger man he had first clashed with the minister during Mr.

One examination day the minister attended to open the inspection with prayer. Just as he was finishing, a scholar entered who had a reputation for dirt. "Michty!" cried a little pupil, as his opening eyes fell on the apparition at the door, "there's Jocky Tamson wi' his face washed!" When the dominie was a younger man he had first clashed with the minister during Mr.

They are in companies all of a name, and therefore call one another only by their Christian names, as Jemmy, Jocky, that is, John, and Sawny, that is, Alexander, and the like. And they scorn to be commanded but by one of their own clan or family. They are all gentlemen, and proud enough to be kings.

Here's 'Love's an ass! And 'Pass the glass, And 'Jocky is the dog for me; Here's 'Did you ever? 'No, I never! And 'I hope it yet may be, And all for one penny!"

Lie still, Jocky! we shall be at home soon now. Patience, little dog!" And Jock tried hard to be patient; though it was not pleasant to be squeezed into a ball while his mistress crawled out of the hole, which she did with some difficulty, laden with her triple burden. However, they were out at last, and speeding back towards the farm as fast as eager feet could carry them.

After all, is there not generally a something lovable in the man who poaches purely for sport's sake? Who can fail to mourn the end of poor, harmless, gallant, drucken Jocky B , who gave his life for his love of what he conceived to be sport? "Here's daith or glory for Jocky," he cried, when the watchers surrounded him, leaving but the one possibility of escape.

When the merchant doth not purchase, your produce is low, finds a dull marketin vexation you call the trader a jocky, and curse the men whom you ought to pity. A desire of gain is common to mankind, and the general motive to business and industry. You cannot expect many purchases when trade is restricted, and your merchants are shut out from nine-tenths of the ports in the world.

And in that swollen, wintry torrent into which he plunged, the Bailiff Death laid hands on Jocky.

Again Jocky, his face lint-white, and his voice coming and going jerkily, cried aloud the great name of the law. Again there was silence, deeper and longer than before. At last from far within came a pattering as of little feet, quick and light. We heard the bolts withdrawn one by one, and as the wards of the lock rasped and whined, men got ready their weapons.

I might have put it, 'In the King's name, but what I meant was that we are to proceed in decency and order no unseemly rabbling, scuffling, or mischief making otherwise ye have me to reckon with. Let no word of ghosts and siclike be heard. The case is infinitely more serious " "Hear to Jocky wi' his langnebbit words!" whispered Boyd Connoway in my ear. "Infinitely more so, I say.