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"Jing, it's good to be up and out again!" said Freddy, as both boys pitched into biscuits and jam. "I felt down and out this morning sure, Dan, and now everything is working fine. We're going to have the time of our lives this summer, after all. Even Dud Fielding is cooling off, Jim Norris says, now that his nose has gone down, and he has heard about Killykinick."

He wasted only a day or two in doubts and fears, and one Sunday afternoon, with a beating but resolute heart, he left his Sunday-school class to walk down to Crystal Glen and solve his questions and learn his doom. When he came in sight of the widow's modest house, he saw a buggy hitched by the gate. "Dow Padgett's chestnut sorrel, by jing! What is Dow after out here?"

"Slash me, if there ain't too many of them!" ejaculated Joe, as he perceived several others, and all advancing upon him. "I'll settle your hash, by jing!" he continued, firing at the foremost one, which was not twenty paces distant. The leaden contents of the musket entered its breast, and it fell dead without a growl. Still the others advanced. Joe had no time to charge his gun again.

Kate did not understand, but by this time she had learned in such circumstances to hold her tongue. "He means the creek," explained Belle. "It's way down there ahead of us." Strain her eyes as she would, Kate could see only the blackness of the darkness ahead. "'N' b' jing!" muttered Bradley, as Kate peered into nothingness, "she's whinin' t'night f'r fair."

The police thought they had found some suspicious character in the grounds." "By jing, sir, did they fire at him?" Fenley saw that the story was weak, and hastened to correct it. "No, no," he said. "The police don't shoot first. That was my brother, Robert. You know what a harebrained fellow he is. Said he fired in order to make the man double back. But that is a small matter.

You have had the experience, you have the corn for seed; with these things to back you, clear a small strip of new land beside the woods this winter, and try what that will do for you." Adam looked at her with wide eyes. "By jing, Mother, you are a dandy!" he said.

At the end of ten minutes he would be gaping across the table, and wondering what they were doing at the Howff. "Will Logan be singing 'Tam Glen'? Or is Gillespie fiddling Highland tunes, by Jing, with his elbow going it merrily? Lord! I would like to hear 'Miss Drummond o' Perth' or 'Gray Daylicht' they might buck me up a bit.

Lincoln; "well, I couldn't come as near to fighting every day and stand it. If my dog and Bill's dog across the street walked around each other and growled for half a day, and then lay down together, as Carvel and Whipple do, by Jing, I'd put pepper on their noses " "I reckon Colonel Carvel isn't a fighting man," said some one, at random.

She was hot, but I kept a-winkin' and I says to her kind of husky-like: 'Got any letters for Calabasas to-night? Say, she looked at me as if she'd bore holes into me, but I stood right up and glared back at the little girl. 'Come from there this mornin', says I, low, 'going back to-night. Some one waiting there for news. "By jing!

And, fresh and rosy from his long rest, Freddy Neville bounded out gleefully to Dan's side. A low cry burst from the stranger's lips, and he stood staring at the boys as if turned into stone. "Jing, you gave me a scare, Dan!" said Freddy, drawing a long breath of relief. "I thought you had dropped overboard." "Overboard!" scoffed Dan. "You must think I'm a ninny. And you have been sleeping sure!