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I was in no haste to accost Miss Jenrys at the very entrance, and possibly in the face of one or more of my ever-present brethren of the watchful eye, and so, while she waited unhurried upon one side of the bridge, I stopped also, looking down upon the little stream and feigning interest in the white-robed canoeist paddling, and doubtless perspiring, in the mild June air.

He started, and then, as if remembering his condition, said with wonderful self-restraint, 'Go on, please. And I did go on. Before I paused again I had told him almost word for word, as it was implanted upon my memory, the story June Jenrys had written to her friend, the story of that ante-Lenten party just the fact, omitting her expressions of preference.

Trent, who had secured rooms next door to the house occupied by Miss Ross and her niece, it had become my habit to pass an hour, more or less, in Miss Jenrys' parlours each day in the afternoon or evening, as was most convenient, and often, besides Mr.

'Masters, that's precisely what the fellow called me. 'Nonsense! I said sharply. 'And isn't it true? 'Not in my eyes. He was silent for a time, then: 'Masters, he began, 'I've been on the point of opening my heart to you more than once. I am discouraged. I have wooed, yes, and won, June Jenrys with hardly a thought of how I could care for her or for myself. Gad!

'Why, Lossing, the fact in your case is evident in your manner, speech, everything. And I went back to Voisin, and his audacity in addressing Miss Jenrys, finishing by calling him a 'fortune-hunting adventurer. Lossing pulled off his cap, and perching it upon his knee, turned his fair head to look up and down the water-way, and then faced me squarely.

I had warned him of the risk he might run by going about alone at night, for I saw that when he was not in the presence of June Jenrys as he was now sure to be, for a little time at least, every day he was unnaturally restless.

'What I have to say, Miss Jenrys, concerns our friend whom we are about to visit, as well as yourself. She let her lashes droop, and slightly bent her head. 'And it has been in my mind, I went on, 'for some time in fact ever since I came to the conclusion that our friend was, in truth, the Mr. Lossing whom you named in the letter I was so bold as to read; here she flushed hotly.

I accepted his courtesy as frankly as he had proffered it, and then, while he busied himself preparing the cooling lotion, I told Dave how I had promised to return, and that Miss Jenrys must not be kept longer in expectation. I did not tell him why I had left the house, to return again so soon, and Dave was not the man to question. 'Tell her, I said, 'that all is right.

I had observed upon entering that June Jenrys was not quite her usual tranquil, self-possessed self; that her cheeks wore an unwonted flush, and that her eyes were very bright and restless, while there seemed just a shade of nervousness and a certain repressed energy in her manner. Miss Ross had led me, with little ceremony, into the rear room, and she lost no time, once we were seated.

He had dined there regularly, he assured me, and I was glad to know this, for I foresaw that I might need his help in the defence of Miss Jenrys and her interests, and I could not know too much of his whereabouts. 'Till we meet and wine and dine, I said flippantly, upon leaving him, little dreaming how soon and in what manner we were to meet again.