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The exhilaration of their exploits seemed to haunt the memories of their descendants alone, and the shame to be forgotten. Pride glowed in their bosoms to publish their relationship to "Andrew Ellwald of the Laverockstanes, called 'Unchancy Dand, who was justifeed wi' seeven mair of the same name at Jeddart in the days of King James the Sax."

"Jeddart justice hang first, and judge after!" roared a student from the sylvan banks of the Jed. "No freeman can, under any pretence," hiccupped a young advocate, who was unable to rise from his chair, "be condemned, except by the legal decision of his peers, or by the law of the land.

"Jeddart justice," said her father, still smiling; "then you will marry first, and ask permission afterwards." "Exactly," said Patsy, cheerfully. "I knew I could make you understand." In spite of her black, close-clustering hair Patsy had the dark blue eyes of her Uncle Julian. Then Patsy knew exactly what to think.

Dame Elspeth, however, though drowned in tears, was not so unmindful of external affairs, but that she could find voice enough to tell the women and children without, to "leave their skirling, and look after the cows that she couldna get minded, what wi' the awfu' distraction of her mind, what wi' that fause slut having locked them up in their ain tower as fast as if they had been in the Jeddart tolbooth."

"Hout, Earnscliff, ye keep a record of a' men's misdoings Dick's head's healed again, and we're to fight out the quarrel at Jeddart, on the Rood-day, so that's like a thing settled in a peaceable way; and then I am friends wi' Willie again, puir chield it was but twa or three hail draps after a'. I wad let onybody do the like o't to me for a pint o' brandy.

In Scotland people used to talk of 'Jeddart justice, which consisted in hanging a man first, and trying him leisurely afterwards. It was usually substantially just when applied to moss-troopers, but does not do so well when administered to Apostles. Notice the carefulness to save the Temple from pollution, which is shown by the furious crowds dragging Paul outside before they kill him.

I call on all who hear me to bear witness to the words this ruffian has spoken. Remember how the Lord James drowned such as you by scores in the black pool at Jeddart.-To him and to the Primate will I complain." The soldier shifted the position of his lance, and brought it down to a level with the monk's body. Dame Glendinning began to shriek for assistance. "Tibb Tacket! Martin! where be ye all?

"Dougal," he said, "ye are a kindly creature, and hae the sense and feeling o' what is due to your betters and I'm e'en wae for you, Dougal, for it canna be but that in the life ye lead you suld get a Jeddart cast* ae day suner or later.

"Dougal," he said, "ye are a kindly creature, and hae the sense and feeling o' what is due to your betters and I'm e'en wae for you, Dougal, for it canna be but that in the life ye lead you suld get a Jeddart cast* ae day suner or later.

Hurra! the moon glents ower the hills to guide us to the spoils o' Elibank! To-night we shall bring langsyne back again." There were twenty of them, stout and bold men, mounted upon light and active horses some armed with firelocks, and others with Jeddart staves; while, in addition to such weapons, every man had a good sword by his side.