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I always say there was a good bargeman spoiled when they made him a lord. There is nothing more indicative of real fine people than the easy indifferent sort of way they take leave of their friends. They never seem to care a farthing for parting. Our friend Jawleyford was quite a man of fashion in this respect.

Whatever uneasiness Sponge felt on that score, Jawleyford, however, was quite at his ease, and swaggered about like an aide-de-camp at a review. 'Well, we should be going, I suppose, said he, drawing on a pair of half-dirty, lemon-coloured kid gloves, and sabreing the air with his whip. 'Is Lord Scamperdale punctual? asked Sponge. 'Tol-lol, replied Jawleyford, 'tol-lol.

'Ah, well, observed Jawleyford, at length breaking silence, 'it was unfortunate you went this morning. I did my best to prevent you told you what a long way it was, and so on. However, never mind, we will put all right to-morrow. His lordship, I'm sure, will be most happy to see you. So help yourself, continued he, passing the 'Wintle, 'and we will drink his health and success to fox-hunting.

The old lady being thus got rid of, and Jawleyford disposed of apparently for the night Mr. Spraggon felt more comfortable, and presently yielded to Amelia's entreaties to come near the fire and thaw himself. Spigot brought candles, and Mr.

'I'll bet you a pair of gloves he doesn't, snaps Miss Moore, who fancies Captain Pusher, in the pink. 'What a squat little jockey! exclaims Miss Hamilton, as a little dumpling of a man in Lincoln green is led past the stand on a fine bay horse, some one recognizing the rider as our old friend Caingey Thornton. 'And look who comes here? whispers Miss Jawleyford to her sister, as Mr.

Scamperdale shall keep our side of the country till you come; there are capital stables at Lucksford, close to the station, and you shall have a stall for your hack at Jawleyford, and a man to look after him, if you like; so now, don't say nay your time shall be ours we shall be at home all the rest of the winter, and I flatter myself, if you once come down, you will be inclined to repeat your visit; at least, I hope so.

Jawleyford was silent, the scene in the billiard-room recurring to his mind. 'I've often told you, my dear, continued Mrs.

Jawleyford therefore resolved to try and smoke and starve him out. When our friend went to dress, he found his old apartment, the state-room, put away, the heavy brocade curtains brown-hollanded, the jugs turned upside down, the bed stripped of its clothes and the looking-glass laid a-top of it.

'Just so, said Jawleyford, 'just so. It must be a very useful work indeed, very useful work. I'll get one I'll get one. How much did you say it was a guinea? a guinea? 'A shilling, replied Sponge, adding, 'you may have mine for a guinea if you like.

'I purpose being with you to-morrow, by the express train, which I see, by Bradshaw, arrives at Lucksford a quarter to three. I shall only bring two hunters and a hack, so perhaps you could oblige me by taking them in for the short time I shall stay, as it would not be convenient for me to separate them. Hoping to find Mrs. Jawleyford and the young ladies well, I remain, dear sir,